This page describes the Xcode plug-in for Ice Touch, including build and installation instructions. If you prefer, you can download a binary package that contains pre-compiled binaries for the plug-in.

On this page:

Building the Xcode Plug-in

Unpack the Ice Touch source archive. The source files are contained in the IceTouch-1.3.2 subdirectory.

Review and update the settings in the file Xcode/Slice2ObjcPlugin/config/Make.rules. Next, execute the following commands:

$ cd IceTouch-1.3.2/Xcode/Slice2ObjcPlugin
$ make

Installing the Xcode Plug-in

To install the plug-in, run

$ make install

The Xcode plug-in is installed at the following location:

~/Library/Application Support/Developer/<xcode-version>/Xcode/Plug-ins/slice2objcplugin.pbplugin

where <xcode-version> is the major.minor version of Xcode.

If you have set XCODE_PLUGIN_ALL_USERS=YES in Xcode/Slice2ObjcPlugin/config/Make.rules, the plug-in will be installed for all users at the following location:

/Library/Application Support/Developer/<xcode-version>/Xcode/Plug-ins/slice2objcplugin.pbplugin

Note that admin access is required when installing the plug-in for all users. You can prefix the command with sudo as shown below:

$ sudo make install

Configuring the Xcode Plug-in

Please refer to the documentation for more information on configuring the Xcode plug-in.