Freeze Slice API Reference
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Interface Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 IFreeze::ConnectionA connection to a database (database environment with Berkeley DB)
 IFreeze::EvictorIteratorAn iterator for the objects managed by the evictor
 IFreeze::ServantInitializerA servant initializer provides the application with an opportunity to perform custom servant initialization
 CIce::ServantLocator [external]
 IFreeze::EvictorAn automatic Ice object persistence manager, based on the evictor pattern
 IFreeze::BackgroundSaveEvictorA background-save evictor is an evictor that saves updates asynchronously in a background thread
 IFreeze::TransactionalEvictorA transactional evictor is an evictor that performs every single read-write operation within its own transaction
 IFreeze::TransactionA transaction