Ice 3.7 C++11 API Reference
IceBox Namespace Reference


class  AlreadyStartedException
 This exception is thrown if an attempt is made to start an already-started service. More...
class  AlreadyStoppedException
 This exception is thrown if an attempt is made to stop an already-stopped service. More...
class  FailureException
 This exception is a general failure notification. More...
class  NoSuchServiceException
 This exception is thrown if a service name does not refer to an existing service. More...
class  Service
 An application service managed by a ServiceManager. More...
class  ServiceManager
 Administers a set of Service instances. More...
class  ServiceManagerPrx
 Administers a set of Service instances. More...
class  ServiceObserver
 An Observer interface implemented by admin clients interested in the status of services. More...
class  ServiceObserverPrx
 An Observer interface implemented by admin clients interested in the status of services. More...