Package com.zeroc.Ice.Instrumentation

package com.zeroc.Ice.Instrumentation
Ice Instrumentation API, used to observe Ice internal components such as threads and connections.
  • Class
    The child invocation observer to instrument remote or collocated invocations.
    The collocated observer to instrument invocations that are collocated.
    The communicator observer interface used by the Ice run-time to obtain and update observers for its observable objects.
    The connection observer interface to instrument Ice connections.
    The state of an Ice connection.
    The dispatch observer to instrument servant dispatch.
    The invocation observer to instrument invocations on proxies.
    The object observer interface used by instrumented objects to notify the observer of their existence.
    The observer updater interface.
    The remote observer to instrument invocations that are sent over the wire.
    The thread observer interface to instrument Ice threads.
    The thread state enumeration keeps track of the different possible states of Ice threads.