Package com.zeroc.Ice

Class Object.Ice_invokeResult

Enclosing interface:

public static class Object.Ice_invokeResult extends Object
Holds the results of a call to ice_invoke.
  • Field Details

    • returnValue

      public boolean returnValue
      If the operation completed successfully, the return value is true. If the operation raises a user exception, the return value is false; in this case, outParams contains the encoded user exception. If the operation raises a run-time exception, it throws it directly.
    • outParams

      public byte[] outParams
      The encoded out-paramaters and return value for the operation. The return value follows any out-parameters.
  • Constructor Details

    • Ice_invokeResult

      public Ice_invokeResult()
      Default initializes the members.
    • Ice_invokeResult

      public Ice_invokeResult(boolean returnValue, byte[] outParams)
      One-shot constructor to initialize the members.
      returnValue - True for a succesful invocation with any results encoded in outParams. False if a user exception occurred with the exception encoded in outParams.
      outParams - The encoded results.