Node Server

DataStorm provides a node server executable named dsnode.

This executable is a simple program that instantiates a DataStorm node. It supports Ice properties and configuration

It can be used to provide the following functionality to other nodes:

  • registration: nodes can connect and register with dsnode in order to exchange topic discovery information. See Discovery for additional information
  • bridging: nodes with disabled server endpoints can connect to dsnode to receive data from other nodes. See Networking for additional information.

Command Line Options for dsnode

The DataStorm node supports the following command-line options:

Usage: dsnode [options]
-h, --help           Show this message.
-v, --version        Display the DataStorm version.

Configuring Endpoints

The node server supports the same properties as any DataStorm node so the node endpoints are defined with the DataStorm.Node.Server.Endpoints property. You should use a fixed port for the endpoint in order to allow other node to connect by specifying this node endpoints with the DataStorm.Node.ConnectTo property.