Adding an Evictor to the Java File System Server

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The Server Main Program in Java

The server's main method is responsible for creating the evictor and initializing the root directory node. Many of the administrative duties, such as creating and destroying a communicator, are handled by the Ice.Application class. Our server main program has now become the following:

import Filesystem.*;

public class Server extends Ice.Application
    Server(String envName)
        _envName = envName;

    public int
    run(String[] args)
        Ice.ObjectFactory factory = new NodeFactory();
        communicator().addObjectFactory(factory, PersistentFile.ice_staticId());
        communicator().addObjectFactory(factory, PersistentDirectory.ice_staticId());

        Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator().createObjectAdapter("EvictorFilesystem");

        Freeze.Evictor evictor =
            Freeze.Util.createTransactionalEvictor(adapter, _envName, "evictorfs",
                                                   null, null, null, true);
        DirectoryI._evictor = evictor;
        FileI._evictor = evictor;

        adapter.addServantLocator(evictor, "");

        Ice.Identity rootId = new Ice.Identity(); = "RootDir";
            PersistentDirectory root = new DirectoryI();
            root.nodeName = "/";
            root.nodes = new java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, NodeDesc>();
            evictor.add(root, rootId);



        return 0;

    public static void
    main(String[] args)
        Server app = new Server("db");
        int status = app.main("Server", args, "config.server");

    private String _envName;

Let us examine the changes in detail. First, we define the class Server as a subclass of Ice.Application, and provide a constructor taking a string argument:

    Server(String envName)
        _envName = envName;

The string argument represents the name of the database environment, and is saved for later use in run.

One of the first tasks run performs is installing the Ice object factories for PersistentFile and PersistentDirectory. Although these classes are not exchanged via Slice operations, they are marshalled and unmarshalled in exactly the same way when saved to and loaded from the database, therefore factories are required. A single instance of NodeFactory is installed for both types:

        Ice.ObjectFactory factory = new NodeFactory();
        communicator().addObjectFactory(factory, PersistentFile.ice_staticId());
        communicator().addObjectFactory(factory, PersistentDirectory.ice_staticId());

After creating the object adapter, the program initializes a transactional evictor by invoking createTransactionalEvictor. The third argument to createTransactionalEvictor is the name of the database, the fourth is null to indicate that we do not use facets, the fifth is null to indicate that we do not use a servant initializer, the sixth argument (null) indicates no indexes are in use, and the true argument requests that the database be created if it does not exist. The evictor is then added to the object adapter as a servant locator for the default category:

        Freeze.Evictor evictor =
            Freeze.Util.createTransactionalEvictor(adapter, _envName, "evictorfs",
                                                   null, null, null, true);
        DirectoryI._evictor = evictor;
        FileI._evictor = evictor;

        adapter.addServantLocator(evictor, "");

Next, the program creates the root directory node if it is not already being managed by the evictor:

        Ice.Identity rootId = new Ice.Identity(); = "RootDir";
            PersistentDirectory root = new DirectoryI();
            root.nodeName = "/";
            root.nodes = new java.util.HashMap<String, NodeDesc>();
            evictor.add(root, rootId);

Finally, the main function instantiates the Server class, passing db as the name of the database environment:

    public static void
    main(String[] args)
        Server app = new Server("db");
        int status = app.main("Server", args, "config.server");

The Persistent Servant Class Definitions in Java

The servant classes must also be changed to incorporate the Freeze evictor. The FileI class now has a static state member _evictor:

import Filesystem.*;

public final class FileI extends PersistentFile
        _destroyed = false;

    // Slice operations...

    public static Freeze.Evictor _evictor;
    private boolean _destroyed;

The DirectoryI class has undergone a similar transformation:

import Filesystem.*;

public final class DirectoryI extends PersistentDirectory
        _destroyed = false;
        nodes = new java.util.HashMap<String, NodeDesc>();

    // Slice operations...

    public static Freeze.Evictor _evictor;
    private boolean _destroyed;

Implementing a Persistent FileI in Java

The FileI methods are mostly trivial, because the Freeze evictor handles persistence for us.

    public synchronized String
    name(Ice.Current current)
        if (_destroyed) {
            throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(, current.facet, current.operation);

        return nodeName;

    public void
    destroy(Ice.Current current)
        throws PermissionDenied
        synchronized(this) {
            if (_destroyed) {
                throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(, current.facet, current.operation);
            _destroyed = true;

        // Because we use a transactional evictor,
        // these updates are guaranteed to be atomic.

    public synchronized String[]
    read(Ice.Current current)
        if (_destroyed) {
            throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(, current.facet, current.operation);

        return (String[])text.clone();

    public synchronized void
    write(String[] text, Ice.Current current)
        throws GenericError
        if (_destroyed) {
            throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(, current.facet, current.operation);

        this.text = text;

The code checks that the node has not been destroyed before acting on the invocation by updating or returning state. Note that destroy must update two separate nodes: as well as removing itself from the evictor, the node must also update the parent's node map. Because we are using a transactional evictor, the two updates are guaranteed to be atomic, so it is impossible to the leave the file system in an inconsistent state.

Implementing a Persistent DirectoryI in Java

The DirectoryI implementation requires more substantial changes. We begin our discussion with the createDirectory operation:

    public synchronized DirectoryPrx
    createDirectory(String name, Ice.Current current)
        throws NameInUse
        if (_destroyed) {
            throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(, current.facet, current.operation);

        if (name.length() == 0 || nodes.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new NameInUse(name);

        Ice.Identity id = current.adapter.getCommunicator().stringToIdentity(
        PersistentDirectory dir = new DirectoryI();
        dir.nodeName = name;
        dir.parent = PersistentDirectoryPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(
        DirectoryPrx proxy = DirectoryPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(_evictor.add(dir, id));

        NodeDesc nd = new NodeDesc(); = name;
        nd.type = NodeType.DirType;
        nd.proxy = proxy;
        nodes.put(name, nd);

        return proxy;

After validating the node name, the operation obtains a unique identity for the child directory, instantiates the servant, and registers it with the Freeze evictor. Finally, the operation creates a proxy for the child and adds the child to its node table.

The implementation of the createFile operation has the same structure as createDirectory:

    public synchronized FilePrx
    createFile(String name, Ice.Current current)
        throws NameInUse
        if (_destroyed) {
            throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(, current.facet, current.operation);

        if (name.length() == 0 || nodes.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new NameInUse(name);

        Ice.Identity id = current.adapter.getCommunicator().stringToIdentity(
        PersistentFile file = new FileI();
        file.nodeName = name;
        file.parent = PersistentDirectoryPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(
        FilePrx proxy = FilePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(_evictor.add(file, id));

        NodeDesc nd = new NodeDesc(); = name;
        nd.type = NodeType.FileType;
        nd.proxy = proxy;
        nodes.put(name, nd);

        return proxy;

The remaining Slice operations have trivial implementations, so we do not show them here.

Implementing NodeFactory in Java

We use a single factory implementation for creating two types of Ice objects: PersistentFile and PersistentDirectory. These are the only two types that the Freeze evictor will be restoring from its database.

package Filesystem;

public class NodeFactory implements Ice.ObjectFactory
    public Ice.Object
    create(String type)
        if (type.equals(PersistentFile.ice_staticId()))
            return new FileI();
        else if (type.equals(PersistentDirectory.ice_staticId()))
            return new DirectoryI();
        else {
            return null;

    public void
See Also