slice2freeze Command-Line Options

The Slice-to-Freeze compiler, slice2freeze, generates C++ classes for Freeze maps and Freeze Evictor indices.

slice2freeze's first command-line parameter is the base name for the generated C++ files, and not a Slice file like with the other Slice compilers:

slice2freeze [options] BaseName [SliceFile1 SliceFile2 ...]

The compiler offers the following command-line options in addition to the standard options:

--header-ext EXT

Changes the file extension for the generated header files from the default h to the extension specified by EXT.

--source-ext EXT

Changes the file extension for the generated source files from the default cpp to the extension specified by EXT.

--add-header HDR[,GUARD]

This option adds an include directive for the specified header at the beginning of the generated source file (preceding any other include directives). If GUARD is specified, the include directive is protected by the specified guard.

For example:

--add-header precompiled.h,_PRECOMPILED_H__ 

results in the following directives at the beginning of the generated source file:

#ifndef __PRECOMPILED_H__
#define __PRECOMPILED_H__
#include <precompiled.h>

As this example demonstrates, the --add-header option is useful mainly for integrating the generated code with a compiler's precompiled header mechanism.

This option can be repeated to create include directives for several files.

--include-dir DIR

Modifies #include directives in source files to prepend the path name of each header file with the directory DIR. The discussion of slice2cpp provides more information.

--dll-export SYMBOL

Use SYMBOL to control DLL exports or imports. See the slice2cpp description for details.

--dict NAME,KEY,VALUE[,sort[,COMPARE]]

Generate a Freeze map class named NAME using KEY as key and VALUE as value. This option may be specified multiple times to generate several Freeze maps. NAME may be a scoped C++ name, such as Demo::Struct1ObjectMap. KEY and VALUE represent Slice types and therefore must use Slice syntax, such as bool or Ice::Identity. The type identified by KEY must be a legal dictionary key type. By default, keys are sorted using their binary Ice-encoded representation. Include sort to sort with the COMPARE functor class. If COMPARE is not specified, the default value is std::less<KEY>.

--dict-index MAP[,MEMBER] [,case-sensitive|case-insensitive][,sort[,COMPARE]]

Add an index to the Freeze map named MAP. If MEMBER is specified, the map value type must be a structure or a class, and MEMBER must be a member of this structure or class. Otherwise, the entire value is indexed. When the indexed member (or entire value) is a string, the index can be case-sensitive (default) or case-insensitive. An index adds additional member functions to the generated C++ map:

  • iterator findByMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE, bool = true);
  • const_iterator findByMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE,bool = true) const;
  • iterator beginForMEMBER();
  • const_iterator begin_ForMEMBER() const;
  • iterator endForMEMBER();
  • const_iterator endForMEMBER() const;
  • iterator lowerBoundForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE);
  • const_iterator lowerBoundForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE) const;
  • iterator upperBoundForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE);
  • const_iterator upperBoundForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE) const;
  • std::pair<iterator, iterator> equalRangeForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE);
  • std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equalRangeForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE) const;
  • int MEMBERCount(MEMBER_TYPE) const;

When MEMBER is not specified, these functions are findByValue (const and non-const), lowerBoundForValue (const and non-const), valueCount, and so on. When MEMBER is specified, its first letter is capitalized in the findBy function name. MEMBER_TYPE corresponds to an in-parameter of the type of MEMBER (or the type of the value when MEMBER is not specified). For example, if MEMBER is a string, MEMBER_TYPE is a const std::string&.

By default, keys are sorted using their binary Ice-encoded representation. Include sort to sort with the COMPARE functor class. If COMPARE is not specified, the default value is std::less<MEMBER_TYPE>.

findByMEMBER returns an iterator to the first element in the Freeze map that matches the given index value. It returns end() if there is no match. When the second parameter is true (the default), the returned iterator provides only the elements with an exact match (and then skips to end()). Otherwise, the returned iterator sets a starting position and then provides all elements until the end of the map, sorted according to the index comparator.

lowerBoundForMEMBER returns an iterator to the first element in the Freeze map whose index value is not less than the given index value. It returns end() if there is no such element. The returned iterator provides all elements until the end of the map, sorted according to the index comparator.

upperBoundForMEMBER returns an iterator to the first element in the Freeze map whose index value is greater than the given index value. It returns end() if there is no such element. The returned iterator provides all elements until the end of the map, sorted according to the index comparator.

beginForMEMBER returns an iterator to the first element in the map.

endForMEMBER returns an iterator to the last element in the map.

equalRangeForMEMBER returns a range (pair of iterators) of all the elements whose index value matches the given index value. This function is similar to findByMEMBER (see above).

MEMBERCount returns the number of elements in the Freeze map whose index value matches the given index value.

Please note that index-derived iterators do not allow you to set new values in the underlying map.

--index CLASS,TYPE,MEMBER [,case-sensitive|case-insensitive]

Generate an index class for a Freeze evictor. CLASS is the name of the class to be generated. TYPE denotes the type of class to be indexed (objects of different classes are not included in this index). MEMBER is the name of the data member in TYPE to index. When MEMBER has type string, it is possible to specify whether the index is case-sensitive or not. The default is case-sensitive.

See Also