Service Descriptor

A service represents an IceBox service deployed on an IceBox server.  IceGrid supports two kinds of services:

On this page:

Load Order

The load-order of services within an IceBox server is determined by their display order in IceGrid Admin. You can reorder services using Edit > Move Up or Edit > Move Down (also available from each service's contextual menu).

Plain Service


The Service Properties panel offers the following fields:

  • Service Name
    The name of the service. Must be unique within the enclosing IceBox server.

  • Description
    A free-text description of this service.

  • Property Sets
    List of property-set IDs; you refer to a property set to "include" all its properties in the service.

  • Properties
    Ice properties private to this service.

  • Log Files
    This table can be used to declare a number of log files used by this service. Path is the path to the log file (a relative path is relative to the IceGrid node working directory); when Property is set, IceGrid generates a property with this name and the log file path as value.
    You declare log files to be able to conveniently retrieve them using IceGrid Admin (in the Live Deployment pane) or with the icegridadmin command-line utility.

  • Entry Point
    The service's entry point, for example IceStormService,35:createIceStorm.
    IceGrid will append --Ice.Config=path-to-service-config-file to this entry point when it generates the property in the enclosing IceBox server config file.


A plain service can have two types of children:

Service Instance


The Service Instance Properties panel offers the following fields:

  • Template
    The name of the Service Template.

  • Parameters
    Use this table to give values to the template parameters defined in the service template.

  • Property Sets
    List of property-set IDs; you refer to a property set to "include" all its properties in the service.

  • Properties
    Ice properties private to this service.