Adapter Descriptor

Each indirect object adapter registered with IceGrid requires its own Adapter descriptor. If you need to specify a direct adapter, simply create a number of Ice properties in your server.


The Adapter Properties panel offers the following fields:

  • Adapter Name
    The name of the object adapter. This name must be unique within the enclosing Ice communicator, and is only used to lookup adapter properties.

  • Description
    A free-text description of this object adapter.

  • Adapter ID
    The ID of the object adapter. This ID must be unique within an IceGrid deployment. Default value: ${server}.adapter-name.

  • Replica Group
    The ID of this adapter's Replica Group. By default, an adapter does not belong to any replica group.

  • Priority
    The adapter priority in its Replica Group. The default priority is 0.

  • Endpoints
    The configured endpoints for this object adapter. Corresponds to the adapter-name.Endpoints property. Default: default, which means listen using the default protocol (tcp by default) on an OS assigned port, on all interfaces.

  • Published Endpoints
    The configured published endpoints for this object adapter. Corresponds to the adapter-name.PublishedEndpoints property. Default: actual endpoints (computed at run time), derived by Ice from the Endpoints field above.

  • Proxy Options
    The default Proxy Options for well-known objects defined within this object adapter, and the Proxy Options for proxies created by this object adapter. Corresponds to the adapter-name.ProxyEndpoints property. Default: empty string.

  • Register Process
    This setting is ignored for servers running Ice version 3.3 or greater.
    When checked, this adapter will create and register an Ice::Process object with IceGrid during activation. Such object is used to cleanly shutdown the server from IceGrid. Each server should register one, and only one such Ice::Process object.

  • Server Lifetime
    When checked, IceGrid expects this adapter to register its endpoints during server startup and unregister them during server shutdown. See also Activation Timeout in Server Properties. Default: true (checked).

  • Well-known Objects
    A table of well-known objects defined by this adapter. When Property is set, IceGrid generates a property with this name and with Identity as value.

  • Allocatable Objects
    A table of allocatable objects defined by this adapter. When Property is set, IceGrid generates a property with this name and with Identity as value.