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评论: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
nextFiltering Proxy Endpoints
prevProxy Methods

Proxy endpoints are the client-side equivalent of object adapter endpoints. A proxy endpoint identifies the protocol information used to contact a remote object, as shown in the following example:

Wiki Markup
tcp -h www.zeroc.com -p 10000

This endpoint states that an object is reachable via TCP on the host www.zeroc.com and the port 10000.

A proxy must have, or be able to obtain, at least one endpoint in order to be useful. A direct proxy contains one or more endpoints:

Wiki Markup
MyObject:tcp -h www.zeroc.com -p 10000:ssl -h www.zeroc.com -p 10001

In this example the object with the identity MyObject is available at two separate endpoints, one using TCP and the other using SSL.

If a direct proxy does not contain the -h option (that is, no host is specified), the Ice run time uses the value of the Ice.Default.Host property. If Ice.Default.Host is not defined, the localhost interface is used.

An indirect proxy uses a locator to retrieve the endpoints dynamically. One style of indirect proxy contains an adapter identifier:

Wiki Markup
MyObject @ MyAdapter

When this proxy requires the endpoints associated with MyAdapter, it requests them from the locator.

See Also
nextFiltering Proxy Endpoints
prevProxy Methods