Preliminary documentation for Ice for MATLAB. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

Mapped Objective-C Protocol

A Slice local interface is mapped to an Objective-C protocol with the same name, for example:

module Ice
    local interface Communicator

is mapped to the Objective-C protocol ICECommunicator:

@protocol ICECommunicator <NSObject>

The delegate metadata allows you to map a local interface with a single operation to an Objective-C block. For example:

module Ice
    ["delegate"] local interface ValueFactory
        Value create(string type);

is mapped to:

typedef ICEObject* (^ICEValueFactory)(NSString*);

LocalObject in Objective-C

All Slice local interfaces implicitly derive from LocalObject, which is mapped to ICELocalObject in Objective-C:

@interface ICELocalObject : NSObject
   // internal member

Mapping for Local Interface Inheritance in Objective-C

Inheritance of local Slice interfaces is mapped to protocol inheritance in Objective-C. For example:

module M
    local interface A {}
    local interface B extends A {}
    local interface C extends A {}
    local interface D extends B, C {} 

is mapped to:

@protocol MA <NSObject>

@protocol MB <MA>

@protocol MC <MA>

@protocol MD <MB, MC>

  • No labels