Preliminary documentation for Ice for MATLAB. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

Mapped Objective-C Interface

A local Slice exception is mapped to an Objective-C interface with the same name. For example:

module Ice
    local exception InitializationException

is mapped to the Objective-C interface ICEInitializationException:

@interface ICEInitializationException : ICELocalException

Base Interface for Local Exceptions in Objective-C

All mapped Objective-C interfaces derive directly or indirectly from ICELocalException:

@interface ICELocalException : ICEException
    const char* file;
    int line;

@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSString* file;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) int line;

-(id)init:(const char*)file line:(int)line;
-(id)init:(const char*)file line:(int)line reason:(NSString*)reason;
+(id)localException:(const char*)file line:(int)line;

Mapping for Local Exception Inheritance in Objective-C

A local Slice exception can extend another Slice exception. In Objective-C, this is mapped to inheritance of the corresponding interfaces. For example:

module M
    local exception ErrorBase {}
    local exception ResourceError extends ErrorBase {}

is mapped to:

@interface MErrorBase : ICELocalException
-(NSString *) ice_id;
+(id) errorBase:(const char*)file line:(int)line;

@interface MResourceError : MErrorBase
-(NSString *) ice_id;
+(id) resourceError:(const char*)file line:(int)line;

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