Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

Overview of Optional Data Members

A data member of a Slice class or exception may be declared as optional to indicate that a program can leave its value unset. Data members not declared as optional are known as required members; a program must supply legal values for all required members.

Declaring Optional Data Members

Each optional data member in a type must be assigned a unique, non-negative integer tag:

module M
    class C
        string name;
        bool active;
        optional(2) string alternateName;
        optional(5) int overrideCode;

It is legal for a base type's tag to be reused by a derived type:

exception Base
    optional(1) int systemCode;
exception Derived extends Base
    optional(1) string diagnostic; // OK

The scope of a tag is limited to its enclosing type and has no effect on base or derived types.

Language mappings specify an API for setting an optional member and testing whether a member is set. Here is an example in C++:

auto c = make_shared<C>();
c->name = "xyz";           // required
c->active = true;          // required
c->alternateName = "abc";  // optional
c->overrideCode = 42;      // optional
    cout << "alt name = " << c->alternateName << endl;
CPtr c = new C;
c->name = "xyz";           // required
c->active = true;          // required
c->alternateName = "abc";  // optional
c->overrideCode = 42;      // optional
    cout << "alt name = " << c->alternateName << endl;

As you can see, the C++ language mapping makes setting an optional member as simple as assigning it a value. Refer to the language mapping sections for more details on the optional data member API.

A well-behaved program must test for the presence of an optional member and not assume that it is always set. Dereferencing an unset optional member causes a run-time error.

In all supported language mappings, an optional data member's initial condition is unset if not otherwise assigned during construction. Again using C++ as an example:

auto c = make_shared<C>();            // default constructor
assert(!c->alternateName);            // not set
c = make_shared<C>("xyz", true, "abc", 42); // one-shot constructor
assert(c->alternateName);                   // set by constructor
CPtr c = new C;            // default constructor
assert(!c->alternateName); // not set
c = new C("xyz", true, "abc", 42); // one-shot constructor
assert(c->alternateName);          // set by constructor

Optional Data Members with Default Values

You can declare a default value for optional members just as you can for required members:

class C
    string name;
    bool active = true;
    optional(2) string alternateName;
    optional(5) int overrideCode = -1;

An optional data member with a default value is considered to be set by default:

auto c = make_shared<C>();      // default constructor
assert(!c->alternateName);      // not set
assert(c->overrideCode);        // set to default value
CPtr c = new C;            // default constructor
assert(!c->alternateName); // not set
assert(c->overrideCode);   // set to default value

Each language mapping provides an API for resetting an optional data member to its unset condition.

See Also

  • No labels