Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

The stream classes provide all of the low-level methods necessary for encoding and decoding Ice types. However, it would be tedious and error-prone to manually encode complex Ice types such as classes, structs, and dictionaries using these low-level functions. For this reason, the Slice compiler generates helper methods for streaming complex Ice types.

We will use the following Slice definitions to demonstrate the language mapping:

module M
    sequence<...> Seq;
    dictionary<...> Dict;
    struct S
    enum E { ... }
    class C
    interface I

The Slice compiler generates the corresponding helper classes and methods shown below:

Java Compat
package M;

public class SeqHelper
    public static T[] read(Ice.InputStream in);
    public static void write(Ice.OutputStream out, T[] v);

public class DictHelper
    public static java.util.Map<..., ...> read(Ice.InputStream in);
    public static void write(Ice.OutputStream out, java.util.Map<..., ...> v);

public class S ...
    public static S ice_read(Ice.InputStream in);
    public static void ice_write(Ice.OutputStream out, S v);
    // Instance methods
    public void ice_readMembers(Ice.InputStream in);
    public void ice_writeMembers(Ice.OutputStream out);

public enum E ...
    public static E ice_read(Ice.InputStream in);
    public static void ice_write(Ice.OutputStream out, E v);
    // Instance method
    public void ice_write(Ice.OutputStream out);

public class CHolder implements Ice.ReadValueCallback ...
    public CHolder();
    public CHolder(C v);

    public C value;


public class IPrxHelper ...
    public static IPrx read(Ice.InputStream in);
    public static void write(Ice.OutputStream out, IPrx v);

See Also

  • No labels