Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

A replica group represents an abstract grouping of identical, or very similar, object adapters. An object adapter joins this group by setting this replica group ID in its Replica Group field.


The Replica Properties panel offers the following fields:

  • Replica Group ID
    The ID of this replica group. Must be unique within an IceGrid deployment.

  • Description
    A free-text description of this replica group.

  • Proxy Options
    The default Proxy Options for well-known objects defined within this replica group.
  • Well-known Objects
    A table of well-known objects defined by this replica group.

  • Load Balancing Policy
    The load-balancing policy used by IceGrid when resolving the Replica Group ID in proxies. Must be one of:

    AdaptiveReturns the endpoints of the object adapters whose nodes report the lowest load-average (on Linux/Unix) or CPU utilization (on Windows). The actual load-average or CPU utilization value of each node is multiplied by the node's load-factor for this comparison. See Load Sample below, and Node.
    OrderedReturns the endpoints of the object adapters with the highest priority. See Adapter.
    RandomReturns the endpoints of object adapters selected at random. This is the default policy.
    Round-robinIceGrid puts all the object adapters in a list, and for each new resolution, it returns the endpoints from the next How many Adapters items on this list.
  • How many Adapters
    Specify the number of object adapters selected by IceGrid for each resolution. 1 is a common value. When set to 0 (the default), IceGrid returns the endpoints of all object adapters in this replica group.

  • Load Sample
    Available only with the Adaptive load-balancing policy. Specify the load-average or CPU utilization sample  to use when comparing nodes: it can be 1 (default), 5 or 15 minutes.


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