A servant locator has the following interface:

module Ice {
    local interface ServantLocator {
        Object locate(Current curr, out LocalObject cookie);

        void finished(Current curr, Object servant, LocalObject cookie);

        void deactivate(string category);

Note that ServantLocator is a local interface. To create an actual implementation of a servant locator, you must define a class that is derived from Ice::ServantLocator and provide implementations of the locate, finished, and deactivate operations. The Ice run time invokes the operations on your derived class as follows:

It is important to realize that the Ice run time does not "remember" the servant that is returned by a particular call to locate. Instead, the Ice run time simply dispatches an incoming request to the servant returned by locate and, once the request is complete, calls finished. In particular, if two requests for the same servant arrive more or less simultaneously, the Ice run time calls locate and finished once for each request. In other words, locate establishes the association between an object identity and a servant; that association is valid only for a single request and is never used by the Ice run time to dispatch a different request.

See Also