The IceUtil::CtrlCHandler class provides a portable mechanism to handle Ctrl+C and similar signals sent to a C++ process. On Windows, IceUtil::CtrlCHandler is a wrapper for SetConsoleCtrlHandler; on POSIX platforms, it handles SIGHUP, SIGTERM and SIGINT with a dedicated thread that waits for these signals using sigwait. Signals are handled by a callback function implemented and registered by the user. The callback is a simple function that takes an int (the signal number) and returns void; it must not throw any exception:

namespace IceUtil {

    typedef void (*CtrlCHandlerCallback)(int);

    class CtrlCHandler {
        CtrlCHandler(CtrlCHandlerCallback = 0);

        void setCallback(CtrlCHandlerCallback);
        CtrlCHandlerCallback getCallback() const;

The member functions of CtrlCHandler behave as follows:

It is legal specify a value of zero (0) for the callback function, in which case signals are caught and ignored until a non-zero callback function is set.

A typical use for CtrlCHandler is to shutdown a communicator in an Ice server. For example, the Ice::Application class uses a CtrlCHandler in its implementation.

See Also