This page describes dumpdb and provides advice on how to best use it.

On this page:

Overview of Inspection Descriptors

dumpdb can read descriptors from an XML file. A dumpdb descriptor file has a well-defined structure. The top-level descriptor in the file is <dumpdb>. A <database> descriptor must be present within <dumpdb> to define the key and value types used by the database. Inside <database>, the <record> descriptor triggers database traversal. Shown below is an example that demonstrates the structure of a minimal descriptor file:

    <database key="string" value="::Employee">
            <echo message="Key: " value="key"/>
            <echo message="Value: " value="value"/>

During traversal, type-specific actions are supported by the <dump> descriptor, which is a child of <dumpdb>. One <dump> descriptor may be defined for each type in the Slice definitions. Each time dumpdb encounters an instance of a type, the <dump> descriptor for that type is executed.

The <database>, <record>, and <dump> descriptors may contain general-purpose action descriptors such as <if> and <echo>. These actions resemble statements in programming languages like C++ and Java, in that they are executed in the order of definition and their effects are cumulative. Actions can make use of the FreezeScript expression language.

Although dumpdb descriptors are not allowed to modify the database, they can still define local symbols for scripting purposes. Once a symbol is defined by the <define> descriptor, other descriptors such as <set>, <add>, and <remove> can be used to manipulate the symbol's value.

Inspection Flow of Execution

The descriptors are executed as follows:

Inspection Descriptor Scopes

The <database> descriptor creates a global scope, allowing child descriptors of <database> to define symbols that are accessible in any descriptor.

In order for a global symbol to be available to a <dump> descriptor, the symbol must be defined before the <record> descriptor is executed.

Furthermore, certain other descriptors create local scopes that exist only for the duration of the descriptor's execution. For example, the <dump> descriptor creates a local scope and defines the symbol value to represent a value of the specified type. Child descriptors of <dump> can also define new symbols in the local scope, as long as those symbols do not clash with an existing symbol in that scope. It is legal to add a new symbol with the same name as a symbol in an outer scope, but the outer symbol will not be accessible during the descriptor's execution.

The global scope is useful in many situations. For example, suppose you want to track the number of times a certain value was encountered during database traversal. This can be accomplished as shown below:

    <database key="string" value="::Ice::Identity">
        <define name="categoryCount" type="int" value="0"/>
        <echo message="categoryCount = " value="categoryCount"/>
    <dump type="::Ice::Identity">
        <if test="value.category == `Accounting'">
            <set target="categoryCount" value="categoryCount + 1"/>

In this example, the <define> descriptor introduces the symbol categoryCount into the global scope, defining it as type int with an initial value of zero. Next, the <record> descriptor causes traversal to proceed. Each occurrence of the type Ice::Identity causes its <dump> descriptor to be executed, which examines the category member and increases categoryCount if necessary. Finally, after traversal completes, the <echo> descriptor displays the final value of categoryCount.

To reinforce the relationships between descriptors and scopes, consider the diagram in the figure below. Several descriptors are shown, including the symbols they define in their local scopes. In this example, the <iterate> descriptor has a dictionary target and therefore the default symbol for the element value, value, hides the symbol of the same name in the parent <dump> descriptor's scope.

This situation can be avoided by assigning a different symbol name to the element value.

In addition to symbols in the <iterate> scope, child descriptors of <iterate> can also refer to symbols from the <dump> and <database> scopes.

Relationship between descriptors and scopes.

Command Line Options for dumpdb

The tool supports the standard command-line options common to all Slice processors listed. The options specific to dumpdb are described below:

Database Arguments for dumpdb

If dumpdb is invoked to examine a database, it requires two arguments:

To display catalog information using the -c option, the database environment directory dbenv is required. If the database file argument db is omitted, dumpdb displays information about every database in the catalog.

dumpdb Use Cases

The command line options support several modes of operation:

These use cases are described in the following sections.

Dump an Entire Database

The simplest way to examine a database with dumpdb is to dump its entire contents. You must specify the database key and value types, load the necessary Slice definitions, and supply the names of the database environment directory and database file. For example, this command dumps a Freeze map database whose key type is string and value type is Employee:

$ dumpdb --key string --value ::Employee --load db emp.db

As a convenience, you may omit the key and value types, in which case dumpdb obtains them from the catalog:

$ dumpdb --load db emp.db

Dump Selected Records

If only certain records are of interest to you, the --select option provides a convenient way to filter the output of dumpdb using an expression. In the following example, we select employees from the accounting department:

$ dumpdb --load --select "value.dept == 'Accounting'" db emp.db

In cases where the database records contain polymorphic class instances, you must be careful to specify an expression that can be successfully evaluated against all records. For example, dumpdb fails immediately if the expression refers to a data member that does not exist in the class instance. The safest way to write an expression in this case is to check the type of the class instance before referring to any of its data members.

In the example below, we assume that a Freeze evictor database contains instances of various classes in a class hierarchy, and we are only interested in instances of Manager whose employee count is greater than 10:

$ dumpdb -e --load \
--select "value.servant.ice_id == '::Manager' and > 10" \
db emp.db

Alternatively, if Manager has derived classes, then the expression can be written in a different way so that instances of Manager and any of its derived classes are considered:

$ dumpdb -e --load \
--select "value.servant.ice_isA('::Manager') and > 10" \
db emp.db

Creating a Sample Descriptor File

If you require more sophisticated filtering or scripting capabilities, then you must use a descriptor file. The easiest way to get started with a descriptor file is to generate a template using dumpdb:

$ dumpdb --key string --value ::Employee --load -o dump.xml

The output file dump.xml is complete and can be executed immediately if desired, but typically the file is used as a starting point for further customization. Again, you may omit the key and value types by specifying the database instead:

$ dumpdb --load -o dump.xml db emp.db

If the --select option is specified, its expression is included in the generated <record> descriptor as the value of the test attribute in an <if> descriptor.

dumpdb terminates immediately after generating the output file.

Executing a Descriptor File

Use the -f option when you are ready to execute a descriptor file. For example, we can execute the descriptor we generated in the previous section using this command:

$ dumpdb -f dump.xml --load db emp.db

Examine the Catalog

The -c option displays the contents of the database environment's catalog:

$ dumpdb -c db

The output indicates whether each database in the environment is associated with an evictor or a map. For maps, the output includes the key and value types.

If you specify the name of a database, dumpdb only displays the type information for that database:

$ dumpdb -c db emp.db

Using dumpdb on an Open Environment

It is possible to use dumpdb to migrate databases in an environment that is currently open by another process, but if you are not careful you can easily corrupt the environment and cause the other process to fail. To avoid such problems, you must configure both dumpdb and the other process to set Freeze.DbEnv.env-name.DbPrivate=0. This property has a default value of one, therefore you must explicitly set it to zero.

If you run dumpdb on an open environment but neglect to set Freeze.DbEnv.env-name.DbPrivate=0, you can expect dumpdb to terminate immediately with an error message stating that the database environment is locked. Before running dumpdb on an open environment, we strongly recommend that you first verify that the other process was also configured with Freeze.DbEnv.env-name.DbPrivate=0.

See Also