Now that we have had a look at the issues around object life cycle, let us return to our file system application and add life cycle operations to it, so clients can create and destroy files and directories.

To destroy a file or directory, the obvious choice is to add a destroy operation to the Node interface:

module Filesystem {

    exception GenericError {
        string reason;
    exception PermissionDenied extends GenericError {};
    exception NameInUse extends GenericError {};
    exception NoSuchName extends GenericError {};

    interface Node {
        idempotent string name();
        void destroy() throws PermissionDenied;

    // ...

Note that destroy can throw a PermissionDenied exception. This is necessary because we must prevent attempts to destroy the root directory.

The File interface is unchanged:

module Filesystem {
    // ...

    sequence<string> Lines;

    interface File extends Node {
        idempotent Lines read();
        idempotent void write(Lines text) throws GenericError;

    // ...

Note that, because File derives from Node, it inherits the destroy operation we defined for Node.

The Directory interface now looks somewhat different from the previous version:

Here are the corresponding definitions:

module Filesystem {
    // ...

    enum NodeType { DirType, FileType };

    struct NodeDesc {
        string name;
        NodeType type;
        Node* proxy;

    sequence<NodeDesc> NodeDescSeq;

    interface Directory extends Node {
        idempotent NodeDescSeq list();
        idempotent NodeDesc find(string name) throws NoSuchName;
        File* createFile(string name) throws NameInUse;
        Directory* createDirectory(string name) throws NameInUse;

Note that this design is somewhat different from the factory we designed for the phone book application. In particular, we do not have a single object factory; instead, we have as many factories as there are directories, that is, each directory creates files and directories only in that directory.

The motivation for this design is twofold:

Let's move on to the implementation of this design in C++ and Java. You can find the full code of the implementation (including languages other than C++ and Java) in the demo/book/lifecycle directory of your Ice distribution.


See Also