

module IceGrid

IceGrid is a server activation and deployment tool. IceGrid, simplifies the complex task of deploying applications in a heterogeneous computer network.

Class Index

AdaptiveLoadBalancingPolicy — Adaptive load balancing policy.
BoxedDistributionDescriptor — A "boxed" distribution descriptor.
BoxedString — A "boxed" string.
CommunicatorDescriptor — A communicator descriptor.
IceBoxDescriptor — An IceBox server descriptor.
LoadBalancingPolicy — A base class for load balancing policies.
OrderedLoadBalancingPolicy — Ordered load balancing policy.
RandomLoadBalancingPolicy — Random load balancing policy.
RoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicy — Round robin load balancing policy.
ServerDescriptor — An Ice server descriptor.
ServiceDescriptor — An IceBox service descriptor.

Interface Index

AdapterObserver — This interface allows applications to monitor the state of object adapters that are registered with IceGrid.
Admin — The IceGrid administrative interface.
AdminSession — Used by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry.
ApplicationObserver — The database observer interface.
FileIterator — This interface provides access to IceGrid log file contents.
FileParsericegridadmin provides a FileParser object to transform XML files into ApplicationDescriptor objects.
Locator — The IceGrid locator interface provides access to the Query and Registry object of the IceGrid registry.
NodeObserver — The node observer interface.
ObjectObserver — This interface allows applications to monitor IceGrid well-known objects.
Query — The IceGrid query interface.
Registry — The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions directly with the registry.
RegistryObserver — This interface allows applications to monitor changes the state of the registry.
Session — A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and release objects.
UserAccountMapper — A user account mapper object is used by IceGrid nodes to map session identifiers to user accounts.

Exception Index

AccessDeniedException — This exception is raised if a registry lock wasn't acquired or is already held by a session.
AdapterNotExistException — This exception is raised if an adapter does not exist.
AllocationException — This exception is raised if the allocation of an object failed.
AllocationTimeoutException — This exception is raised if the request to allocate an object times out.
ApplicationNotExistException — This exception is raised if an application does not exist.
BadSignalException — This exception is raised if an unknown signal was sent to to a server.
DeploymentException — An exception for deployment errors.
FileNotAvailableException — This exception is raised if a file is not available.
NodeNotExistException — This exception is raised if a node does not exist.
NodeUnreachableException — This exception is raised if a node could not be reached.
ObjectExistsException — This exception is raised if an object already exists.
ObjectNotRegisteredException — This exception is raised if an object is not registered.
ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException — This exception is raised if an observer is already registered with the registry.
ParseException — This exception is raised if an error occurs during parsing.
PatchException — This exception is raised if a patch failed.
PermissionDeniedException — This exception is raised if a client is denied the ability to create a session with IceGrid.
RegistryNotExistException — This exception is raised if a registry does not exist.
RegistryUnreachableException — This exception is raised if a registry could not be reached.
ServerNotExistException — This exception is raised if a server does not exist.
ServerStartException — This exception is raised if a server failed to start.
ServerStopException — This exception is raised if a server failed to stop.
ServerUnreachableException — This exception is raised if a server could not be reached.
UserAccountNotFoundException — This exception is raised if a user account for a given session identifier can't be found.

Structure Index

AdapterDescriptor — An Ice object adapter descriptor.
AdapterDynamicInfo — Dynamic information about the state of an adapter.
AdapterInfo — Information about an adapter registered with the IceGrid registry.
ApplicationDescriptor — An application descriptor.
ApplicationInfo — Information about an IceGrid application.
ApplicationUpdateDescriptor — An application update descriptor to describe the updates to apply to a deployed application.
ApplicationUpdateInfo — Information about updates to an IceGrid application.
DbEnvDescriptor — A Freeze database environment descriptor.
DistributionDescriptor — A distribution descriptor defines an IcePatch2 server and the directories to retrieve from the patch server.
LoadInfo — Information about the load of a node.
NodeDescriptor — A node descriptor.
NodeDynamicInfo — Dynamic information about the state of a node.
NodeInfo — Information about an IceGrid node.
NodeUpdateDescriptor — A node update descriptor to describe the updates to apply to a node of a deployed application.
ObjectDescriptor — An Ice object descriptor.
ObjectInfo — Information about an Ice object.
PropertyDescriptor — Property descriptor.
PropertySetDescriptor — A property set descriptor.
RegistryInfo — Information about an IceGrid registry replica.
ReplicaGroupDescriptor — A replica group descriptor.
ServerDynamicInfo — Dynamic information about the state of a server.
ServerInfo — Information about a server managed by an IceGrid node.
ServerInstanceDescriptor — A server template instance descriptor.
ServiceInstanceDescriptor — A service template instance descriptor.
TemplateDescriptor — A template descriptor for server or service templates.

Sequence Index

AdapterDescriptorSeq — A sequence of adapter descriptors.
AdapterDynamicInfoSeq — A sequence of adapter dynamic information structures.
AdapterInfoSeq — A sequence of adapter information structures.
ApplicationDescriptorSeq — A sequence of application descriptors.
ApplicationInfoSeq — A sequence of ApplicationInfo structures.
DbEnvDescriptorSeq — A sequence of database environment descriptors.
NodeDynamicInfoSeq — A sequence of node dynamic information structures.
NodeUpdateDescriptorSeq — A sequence of node update descriptors.
ObjectDescriptorSeq — A sequence of object descriptors.
ObjectInfoSeq — A sequence of object information structures.
PropertyDescriptorSeq — A sequence of property descriptors.
RegistryInfoSeq — A sequence of RegistryInfo structures.
ReplicaGroupDescriptorSeq — A sequence of replica groups.
ServerDescriptorSeq — A sequence of server descriptors.
ServerDynamicInfoSeq — A sequence of server dynamic information structures.
ServerInstanceDescriptorSeq — A sequence of server instance descriptors.
ServiceDescriptorSeq — A sequence of service descriptors.
ServiceInstanceDescriptorSeq — A sequence of service instance descriptors.

Dictionary Index

NodeDescriptorDict — Mapping of node name to node descriptor.
PropertySetDescriptorDict — A mapping of property set name to property set descriptor.
StringObjectProxyDict — A dictionary of proxies.
StringStringDict — A mapping of string to string.
TemplateDescriptorDict — A mapping of template identifier to template descriptor.

Enumeration Index

LoadSample — Determines which load sampling interval to use.
ServerState — An enumeration representing the state of the server.


[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<AdapterDescriptor>" ] sequence<AdapterDescriptor> AdapterDescriptorSeq

A sequence of adapter descriptors.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<AdapterDynamicInfo>" ] sequence<AdapterDynamicInfo> AdapterDynamicInfoSeq

A sequence of adapter dynamic information structures.

Used By

sequence<AdapterInfo> AdapterInfoSeq

A sequence of adapter information structures.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ApplicationDescriptor>" ] sequence<ApplicationDescriptor> ApplicationDescriptorSeq

A sequence of application descriptors.

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ApplicationInfo>" ] sequence<ApplicationInfo> ApplicationInfoSeq

A sequence of ApplicationInfo structures.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<DbEnvDescriptor>" ] sequence<DbEnvDescriptor> DbEnvDescriptorSeq

A sequence of database environment descriptors.

Used By

sequence<NodeDynamicInfo> NodeDynamicInfoSeq

A sequence of node dynamic information structures.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<NodeUpdateDescriptor>" ] sequence<NodeUpdateDescriptor> NodeUpdateDescriptorSeq

A sequence of node update descriptors.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ObjectDescriptor>" ] sequence<ObjectDescriptor> ObjectDescriptorSeq

A sequence of object descriptors.

Used By

sequence<ObjectInfo> ObjectInfoSeq

A sequence of object information structures.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<PropertyDescriptor>" ] sequence<PropertyDescriptor> PropertyDescriptorSeq

A sequence of property descriptors.

Used By

sequence<RegistryInfo> RegistryInfoSeq

A sequence of RegistryInfo structures.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ReplicaGroupDescriptor>" ] sequence<ReplicaGroupDescriptor> ReplicaGroupDescriptorSeq

A sequence of replica groups.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ServerDescriptor>" ] sequence<ServerDescriptor> ServerDescriptorSeq

A sequence of server descriptors.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ServerDynamicInfo>" ] sequence<ServerDynamicInfo> ServerDynamicInfoSeq

A sequence of server dynamic information structures.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ServerInstanceDescriptor>" ] sequence<ServerInstanceDescriptor> ServerInstanceDescriptorSeq

A sequence of server instance descriptors.

Used By

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ServiceDescriptor>" ] sequence<ServiceDescriptor> ServiceDescriptorSeq

A sequence of service descriptors.

[ "java:type:java.util.LinkedList<ServiceInstanceDescriptor>" ] sequence<ServiceInstanceDescriptor> ServiceInstanceDescriptorSeq

A sequence of service instance descriptors.

Used By


dictionary<string, NodeDescriptor> NodeDescriptorDict

Mapping of node name to node descriptor.

Used By

dictionary<string, PropertySetDescriptor> PropertySetDescriptorDict

A mapping of property set name to property set descriptor.

Used By

dictionary<string, Object*> StringObjectProxyDict

A dictionary of proxies.

dictionary<string, string> StringStringDict

A mapping of string to string.

Used By

dictionary<string, TemplateDescriptor> TemplateDescriptorDict

A mapping of template identifier to template descriptor.

Used By