There are two mappings for a Slice dictionary, depending on its key type:

Key TypeValue TypeMapped TypeComments
integral type, enum, stringAnycontainers.MapEnumeration keys must be converted to integers.
structAnyNative struct arraycontainers.Map does not support user-defined key types.

The mapping generates a class with the same name as the dictionary. This class provides one useful function for applications: a new function that returns an empty instance of the mapped type.

On this page:

Mapping to containers.Map

Consider the definition of our EmployeeMap once more:

dictionary<long, Employee> EmployeeMap;

Since the key is a primitive type, EmployeeMap maps to containers.Map. We can use it as shown below:

em =;
e = Employee();
e.number = 31;
e.firstName = 'James';
e.lastName = 'Gosling';
em(e.number) = e;

The new function is especially useful for dictionaries that map to containers.Map because this class must be constructed with the appropriate key and value types. For example, instead of calling, we can manually construct containers.Map as follows:

em = containers.Map('KeyType', 'int64', 'ValueType', 'any');

We recommend using the new function to reduce the possibility of run-time errors.

Mapping to struct array

A dictionary with a structure key type maps to a native MATLAB struct array. This mapping sacrifices some functionality, most notably the efficient indexing provided by containers.Map, but it's a straightforward mapping that utilizes a native MATLAB type that developers are likely to be familiar with.

Consider this example:

struct ID
    string symbol;
    string exchange;
dictionary<ID, double> Quotes;

We can construct this dictionary in MATLAB as follows:

quotes = []; % Or call
quotes(1).key = ID('CVX', 'NYSE');
quotes(1).value = 100.00;

Each element of the struct array must have key and value fields whose types are compatible with those of the mapped types for the Slice dictionary's key and value.

See Also