Asynchronous Method Invocation (AMI) is the term used to describe the client-side support for the asynchronous programming model. AMI supports both oneway and twoway requests, but unlike their synchronous counterparts, AMI requests never block the application. When a client issues an AMI request, the Ice run time hands the message off to the local transport buffer or, if the buffer is currently full, queues the request for later delivery. The application can then continue its activities and poll or wait for completion of the invocation, or receive a callback when the invocation completes.

AMI is transparent to the server: there is no way for the server to tell whether a client sent a request synchronously or asynchronously.

On this page:

Asynchronous API in MATLAB

Consider the following simple Slice definition:

module Demo
    interface Employees
        string getName(int number);

Asynchronous Proxy Methods in MATLAB

In addition to the synchronous proxy method, slice2matlab generates the following asynchronous proxy method:

classdef EmployeesPrx < Ice.ObjectPrx
        function result = getName(obj, number, varargin)  % Synchronous method
        function future = getNameAsync(obj, number, varargin) % Asynchronous method

As you can see, the getName Slice operation generates a getNameAsync method that optionally accepts a per-invocation context.

The getNameAsync method sends (or queues) an invocation of getName. This method does not block the application. It returns an instance of Ice.Future that you can use in a number of ways, including blocking to obtain the result, querying its state, and canceling the invocation.

Here's an example that calls getNameAsync:

e = ...; % Get EmployeesPrx proxy
future = e.getNameAsync(99);

% Continue to do other things here...

name = f.fetchOutputs();

Because getNameAsync does not block, the application can do other things while the operation is in progress.

An asynchronous proxy method uses the same parameter mapping as for synchronous operations; the only difference is that the result (if any) is obtained from the future. For example, consider the following operation:

interface Example
    double op(int inp1, string inp2, out bool outp1, out long outp2);

The generated code looks like this:

classdef ExamplePrx < Ice.ObjectPrx
        function future = opAsync(obj, inp1, inp2, varargin)

Now let's call fetchOutputs to demonstrate how to retrieve the results when the invocation completes:

e = ...; % Get EmployeesPrx proxy
future = e.opAsync(5, 'demo');
[r, outp1, outp2] = future.fetchOutputs();

Asynchronous Exception Semantics in MATLAB

If an invocation raises an exception, the exception will be thrown when the application calls fetchOutputs on the future. The exception is provided by the future, even if the actual error condition for the exception was encountered during the call to the opAsync method ("on the way out"). The advantage of this behavior is that all exception handling is located with the code that handles the future (instead of being present twice, once where the opAsync method is called, and again where the future is handled).

There are two exceptions to this rule:

Future Class in MATLAB

The Future object that is returned by asynchronous proxy methods has an API that resembles MATLAB's parallel.Future class:

classdef Future < ...
        function ok = wait(obj)
        function varargout = fetchOutputs(obj)
        function cancel(obj)
    properties(SetAccess=private) % Read only properties

The members have the following semantics:


Asynchronous Oneway Invocations in MATLAB

You can invoke operations via oneway proxies asynchronously, provided the operation has void return type, does not have any out-parameters, and does not raise user exceptions. If you call an asynchronous proxy method on a oneway proxy for an operation that returns values or raises a user exception, the proxy method throws TwowayOnlyException.

The future returned for a oneway invocation completes as soon as the request is successfully written to the client-side transport. The future completes exceptionally if an error occurs before the request is successfully written.


Asynchronous Batch Requests in MATLAB

You can invoke operations via batch oneway proxies asynchronously, provided the operation has void return type, does not have any out-parameters, and does not raise user exceptions. If you call an asynchronous proxy method on a batch oneway proxy for an operation that returns values or raises a user exception, the proxy method throws TwowayOnlyException.

The future returned for a batch oneway invocation is always completed and indicates the successful queuing of the batch invocation. The future completes exceptionally if an error occurs before the request is queued.

Applications that send batched requests can either flush a batch explicitly or allow the Ice run time to flush automatically. The proxy method ice_flushBatchRequests performs an immediate flush using the synchronous invocation model and may block the application until the entire message can be sent. Ice also provides asynchronous versions of this method so you can flush batch requests asynchronously.

The proxy method ice_flushBatchRequestsAsync flushes any batch requests queued by that proxy. In addition, similar methods are available on the communicator and the Connection object. These methods flush batch requests sent via the same communicator and via the same connection, respectively.

See Also