An IceFIX bridge is a FIX initiator that is associated with exactly one acceptor. In order to connect with multiple acceptors, you must deploy a separate instance of the bridge for each acceptor.

On this page:

Setting up an IceFIX bridge

The first step in setting up an IceFIX bridge is deciding whether to use a standalone deployment or an IceGrid deployment. A standalone deployment is simpler if you only connect with one FIX acceptor. Once you start using multiple FIX acceptors, an IceGrid deployment is much easier to manage.

These deployment strategies are described on separate pages:

IceFIX bridge administration

IceFIX includes the command-line tool icefixadmin for administering a bridge. Refer to IceFIX Bridge Administrative Utility for more information on this tool.

Backing up an IceFIX bridge database

The IceFIX bridge databases must be backed up during daily operation. If the databases become corrupted, FIX messages from the acceptor cannot be routed correctly, and any queued messages would not be delivered to IceFIX clients. For an example of how to correctly back up the IceFIX bridge databases, refer to the sample programs in demo/backup and democs/backup. You can also consult Backing Up Freeze Databases in the Ice manual.

IceFIX bridge configuration properties

The IceFIX bridge is implemented as an IceBox service. The configuration properties supported by the bridge are documented in IceFIX Bridge Properties.

As you will see, the IceFIX bridge uses its IceBox service name as the prefix for all of its properties. For example, the property service.Bridge.Endpoints becomes DemoIceFIX.Bridge.Endpoints when the IceFIX bridge is configured as the IceBox service DemoIceFIX.