

local class UDPEndpointInfo extends Ice::IPEndpointInfo

Provides access to an UDP endpoint information.

See Also

Data Member Index

protocolMajor — The protocol major version supported by the endpoint.
protocolMinor — The protocol minor version supported by the endpoint.
encodingMajor — The encoding major version supported by the endpoint.
encodingMinor — The encoding minor version supported by the endpoint.
mcastInterface — The multicast interface.
mcastTtl — The multicast time-to-live (or hops).

Data Members

byte protocolMajor;

The protocol major version supported by the endpoint.

byte protocolMinor;

The protocol minor version supported by the endpoint.

byte encodingMajor;

The encoding major version supported by the endpoint.

byte encodingMinor;

The encoding minor version supported by the endpoint.

string mcastInterface;

The multicast interface.

int mcastTtl;

The multicast time-to-live (or hops).