An InputStream is created using the following function:

package Ice;

public class Util {
    public static InputStream
    createInputStream(Communicator communicator, byte[] data);

The InputStream interface is shown below.

package Ice;

public interface InputStream {
    Communicator communicator();

    void sliceObjects(boolean slice);

    boolean readBool();
    boolean[] readBoolSeq();

    byte readByte();
    byte[] readByteSeq();

    short readShort();
    short[] readShortSeq();

    int readInt();
    int[] readIntSeq();

    long readLong();
    long[] readLongSeq();

    float readFloat();
    float[] readFloatSeq();

    double readDouble();
    double[] readDoubleSeq();

    String readString();
    String[] readStringSeq();

    int readSize();
    int readAndCheckSeqSize(int minSizeWireSize);

    ObjectPrx readProxy();

    void readObject(ReadObjectCallback cb);

    String readTypeId();

    void throwException() throws UserException;

    void startSlice();
    void endSlice();
    void skipSlice();

    void startEncapsulation();
    void endEncapsulation();
    void skipEncapsulation();

    void readPendingObjects(); readSerializable();

    void rewind();

    void destroy();

Member functions are provided for extracting all of the primitive types, as well as sequences of primitive types; these are self-explanatory. The remaining member functions have the following semantics:

Here is a simple example that demonstrates how to extract a boolean and a sequence of strings from a stream:

byte[] data = ...
Ice.InputStream in =
    Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data);
try {
    boolean b = in.readBool();
    String[] seq = in.readStringSeq();
} finally {
See Also