As in the case of Ice objects, a Dynamic Ice application may represent user exceptions in a native format that is not directly compatible with the Ice API. If the application needs to raise such a user exception to the Ice run time (so that it will be marshaled and sent back to the client), the exception must be wrapped in a subclass of Ice::UserException. The Dynamic Ice API provides a class to simplify this process:

namespace Ice {
    class UserExceptionWriter : public UserException {
        UserExceptionWriter(const CommunicatorPtr&);

        virtual void write(const OutputStreamPtr&) const = 0;
        virtual bool usesClasses() const = 0;

        virtual std::string ice_name() const = 0;
        virtual Ice::Exception* ice_clone() const = 0;
        virtual void ice_throw() const = 0;

        // ...
    typedef ... UserExceptionWriterPtr;

A subclass of UserExceptionWriter is responsible for supplying a communicator to the constructor, and for implementing the following methods:

See Also