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Design Considerations for Datagram Invocations

Datagram invocations are the equivalent of oneway invocations for datagram transports. As for oneway invocations, datagram invocations can be sent only for operations that have a void return type and do not have out-parameters or an exception specification. Attempts to use a datagram invocation with an operation that does not meet these criteria result in a TwowayOnlyException. In addition, datagram invocations can only be used if the proxy's endpoints include at least one UDP transport; otherwise, the Ice run time throws a NoEndpointException.

The semantics of datagram invocations are similar to oneway invocations: no return traffic flows from the server to the client and proceed asynchronously with respect to the client; a datagram invocation completes as soon as the client's transport has accepted the invocation into its buffers. However, datagram invocations differ in one respect from oneway invocations in that datagram invocations optionally support multicast semantics. Furthermore, datagram invocations have additional error semantics:

Because of their unreliable nature, datagram invocations are best suited to simple update messages that are otherwise stateless. In addition, due to the high probability of loss of datagram invocations over wide area networks, you should restrict use of datagram invocations to local area networks, where they are less likely to be lost. (Of course, regardless of the probability of loss, you must design your application such that it can tolerate lost or duplicated messages.)

Creating Datagram Proxies

To invoke an operation as datagram, you must create a new proxy configured specifically for datagram invocations. The ice_datagram factory method is provided for this purpose. The Slice definition of ice_datagram would look as follows:

Object* ice_datagram();

We can call ice_datagram to create a oneway proxy and then use the proxy to invoke an operation as follows:

Ice::ObjectPrx o = communicator->stringToProxy(/* ... */);

// Get a datagram proxy.
Ice::ObjectPrx datagram;
try {
    datagram = o->ice_datagram();
} catch (const Ice::NoEndpointException&) {
    cerr << "No endpoint for datagram invocations" << endl;

// Down-cast to actual type.
PersonPrx datagramPerson = PersonPrx::uncheckedCast(datagram);

// Invoke an operation as a datagram.
try {
} catch (const Ice::TwowayOnlyException&) {
    cerr << "someOp() is not oneway" << endl;

As for the oneway example, you can alternatively choose to first do a safe down-cast to the actual type of interface and then obtain the datagram proxy, rather than relying on an unsafe down-cast, as shown above. However, doing so may be disadvantageous for two reasons:

See Also