A nested invocation is one that is made within the context of another Ice operation. For instance, the implementation of an operation in a servant might need to make a nested invocation on some other object, or an AMI callback object might invoke an operation in the course of processing a reply to an asynchronous request. It is also possible for one of these invocations to result in a nested callback to the originating process. The maximum depth of such invocations is determined by the size of the thread pools used by the communicating parties.

On this page:

Deadlocks with Nested Invocations

Applications that use nested invocations must be carefully designed to avoid the potential for deadlock, which can easily occur when invocations take a circular path. For example, this illustration presents a deadlock scenario when using the default thread pool configuration:

Nested invocation deadlock.

In this diagram, the implementation of opA makes a nested twoway invocation of opB, but the implementation of opB causes a deadlock when it tries to make a nested callback. As mentioned in Thread Pools, the communicator's thread pools have a maximum size of one thread unless explicitly configured otherwise. In Server A, the only thread in the server thread pool is busy waiting for its invocation of opB to complete, and therefore no threads remain to handle the callback from Server B. The client is now blocked because Server A is blocked, and they remain blocked indefinitely unless timeouts are used.

There are several ways to avoid a deadlock in this scenario:

As another example, consider a client that makes a nested invocation from an AMI callback object using the default thread pool configuration. The (one and only) thread in the client thread pool receives the reply to the asynchronous request and invokes its callback object. If the callback object in turn makes a nested twoway invocation, a deadlock occurs because no more threads are available in the client thread pool to process the reply to the nested invocation. The solutions are similar to some of those presented in the above illustration: increase the maximum size of the client thread pool, use a oneway invocation, or call the nested invocation using AMI.

Analyzing an Application for Nested Invocations

A number of factors must be considered when evaluating whether an application is properly designed and configured for nested invocations:

As you can imagine, tracing the call flow of a distributed application to ensure there is no possibility of deadlock can quickly become a complex and tedious process. In general, it is best to avoid circular invocations if at all possible.

See Also