Using the Linux Binary Distributions for Freeze 3.7.1

This page provides important information for users of the Freeze binary distributions on Linux platforms.

On this page:

Overview of the Binary Distributions for Linux

DEB Packages

ZeroC provides the following DEB packages for Ubuntu:

libzeroc-freeze3.7C++ run-time library
libzeroc-freeze-devC++ header files and
zeroc-freeze-compilersSlice compilers: slice2freeze and slice2freezej
zeroc-freeze-utilsFreezeScript utilities: dumpdb and transformdb

RPM Packages

ZeroC provides the following RPMs for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Amazon Linux:

libfreeze3.7-c++C++ run-time library
libfreeze-c++-develC++ header files and
freeze-compilersSlice compilers: slice2freeze and slice2freezej
freeze-utilsFreezeScript utilities: dumpdb and transformdb

ZeroC also supplies RPMs for the following third-party packages:




Berkeley DB 5.3.28 C and C++ run time libraries


C++ development files for Berkeley DB 5.3.28


Berkeley DB 5.3.28 Java run time


Berkeley DB 5.3.28 command-line utilities

The db53 packages are only necessary on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Amazon Linux; Berkeley DB 5.3 is already available in the standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 repository as libdb.

The db53-devel RPM is only necessary for building Freeze from source.


Installing Freeze on Linux

The Freeze packages are in the same repositories as the Ice packages. Follow the instructions in the Ice Release Notes to add the Ice package repository to your system and install Ice packages. Then install the Freeze packages you need, for example:

 sudo yum install libfreeze-c++-devel

The Freeze packages include the slice2freezej compiler, but don't include the Freeze for Java JAR file. If you want to develop with Freeze in Java, you need to build it from source.

Using the Sample Programs

The freeze repository includes sample programs for Freeze. Simply clone this repository:

git clone -b 3.7
cd freeze/demos