Ice-E 3.6.2 Feature Set

Ice-E 3.6.2 is based on the Ice 3.6.2 release. See the Ice 3.6.2 Release Notes for more information on Ice.

Ice-E and Ice provide the same API and implement the same Ice protocol. Here is a brief comparison of these two products:

C++, Python(tick)(tick)
Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, PHP, Ruby(error) (1)(tick)
Ice transports: tcp, ssl, ws, wss, udp(tick)(tick)
Client libraries for Ice services (IceGrid, IceStorm etc.)(tick)(tick)
IceBox(tick) (2)(tick)
Glacier2 firewall traversal service(tick) (2)(tick)
Freeze persistent storage service(tick) (3)(tick)
IceStorm publish-subscribe service(tick) (3)(tick)
Other Ice services (IceGrid, IcePatch2)(error)(tick)
Supports cross-compilation to Linux/ARM(tick)(error)
Static libraries(tick)(error)
Shared libraries(tick)(tick)

 (1) Ice-E is supported only for C++ and Python. It is likely other Ice language mappings would work on Ice-E Linux/ARM targets, but were not tested.

 (2) IceBox and Glacier2 are built only with shared libraries.

 (3) Freeze and IceStorm are built only as shared libraries, and are available only on Debian.