Getting Started With Ice On AWS for Ice 3.7.8

This page explains how to get started with Ice on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform.

Select and Launch AMI

Ice 3.7 is available for AWS on the following AMIs on both x86 (64-bit) and Arm (64-bit)

  • ZeroC Ice for Amazon Linux 2  - Amazon Linux 2 (LTS)

  • ZeroC Ice for Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6

  • ZeroC Ice for Ubuntu - Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) and Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS)

Navigate to the EC2 Management Console and follow these steps:

  1. Select Launch Instance
  2. Navigate to the AWS Marketplace page for the ZeroC Ice AMI you wish to use.
  3. Choose the instance type you wish to run. ZeroC Ice AMIs are available are available in many sizes.
  4. Configure your Security Group to allow access to port 22 for SSH login, as well as any ports for any Ice servers you plan on running. Glacier2 listens (typically) on port 4064 (ssl/tls). If you plan on using Glacier then you need to add these port(s) as well.
  5. Select which Key Pair to use for access to the instance once it is running.
  6. Configure any remaining instance settings as desired.
  7. Click Accept Terms & Launch with 1-Click. Be sure to read the End-User License Agreement (EULA) beforehand.


You can log in to your instance through SSH.

ssh -i <keypair> -l <username> <ip address>


  • <keypair> - The SSH keypair selected when you launched your instance
  • <username> - ec2-user for Red Hat based instance and ubuntu for Ubuntu based instance
  • <ip address> - IP address of your instance

Package Configuration

ZeroC Ice AMIs have Ice 3.7 package repositories pre-configured. These repositories contain packages for both development and run time.

Amazon Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To install all development and run time packages:

sudo yum install ice-all-runtime ice-all-devel

See Using the Linux Binary Distributions for Ice 3.7.8 for a list of packages.


To install all development and run time packages:

sudo apt-get install zeroc-ice-all-runtime zeroc-ice-all-dev

See Using the Linux Binary Distributions for Ice 3.7.8 for a list of packages.