New Features in Ice Touch 3.6.2

This page outlines changes and improvements in this release that may affect the operation of your applications or have an impact on your source code.

Changes in Ice Touch 3.6.2

  • Upgraded to Ice 3.6.2.

Changes in Ice Touch 3.6.1

  • Upgraded to Ice 3.6.1.
  • Added compatibility for Xcode 7, OS X El Capitan (10.11), and iOS 9: 
    • Ice Touch libraries built using Xcode 7 and the iOS 9.0 SDK incorporate LLVM bitcode. Starting with Xcode 7, bitcode is required for libraries used in iOS applications.
    • You need to build Ice Touch from sources with Xcode 7 as long as the Ice Touch binary distribution is built with Xcode 6.

      Build Ice Touch using Xcode 7
      # Select Xcode 7 beta
      sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
      # Install Homebrew tap (only necessary if you have not done so before)
      brew tap zeroc-ice/tap
      # Install from source using Homebrew
      brew update
      brew install icetouch36 --build-from-source

Changes in Ice Touch 3.6.0

  • Ice Touch is now fully in-sync with Ice:
    • The Ice Touch Objective-C mapping was moved to the ice repository.
    • The Ice Touch and Ice versions are now the same.
    • The preferred method to install Ice Touch is now through Homebrew.
  • Ice Touch is installed under /usr/local; it is no longer installed in /Library/Developer.
  • Previous versions of Ice Touch included a Xcode plug-in. This plug-in has been replaced by the Ice Builder for Xcode; this Ice Builder is a separate package independent of Ice Touch.