Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

Synopsis [args]


Defines a plug-in to be installed during communicator initialization. The format of entry_point varies by Ice implementation language, therefore this property cannot be defined in a configuration file that is shared by programs in different languages. Ice provides an alternate syntax that facilitates such sharing:

Refer to the relevant property for your language mapping for details on the entry point syntax.

Synopsis [args]


Defines a .NET plug-in to be installed during communicator initialization. The assembly component can be a partially or fully qualified assembly name, or an assembly path name.

The details on how assemblies are load depends on how you define the assembly component and the .NET framework used by the application:

Value for assemblyExamplesDescription
Assembly name



The assembly name can be a fully or partially qualified assembly name. The assembly is loaded using Assembly.Load. For more information on how the run-time locates assemblies, see:

Assembly path name




The path name can be an absolute path name or a path name relative to the application's current working directory. The assembly is loaded using Assembly.LoadFrom.

The specified class must implement the Ice.PluginFactory interface. Any arguments that follow the class name are passed to the factory's create method. For example:

Ice.Plugin.MyPlugin.clr=MyFactory,Version= arg1 arg2

Whitespace separates the arguments, and any arguments that contain whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.

If you specify a relative path name in the entry point, the assembly is located relative to the program's current working directory:

Ice.Plugin.MyPlugin.clr=..\MyFactory.dll:MyFactory arg1 arg2

Enclose the assembly's path name in quotes if it contains spaces:

Ice.Plugin.MyPlugin.clr="C:\Program Files\MyPlugin\MyFactory.dll:MyFactory" arg1 arg2

A full qualified assembly name or a partial qualified assembly name in the plug-in entry point only works in .NET Core when the assembly is listed in the application dependencies file.

Synopsis[,version]:function [args]


Defines a C++ plug-in to be installed during communicator initialization. The path and optional version components are used to construct the path name of a DLL or shared library. If no version is supplied, the Ice version is used. The function component is the name of a function with C linkage. For example, the entry point MyPlugin,37:create would imply a shared library name of on Unix and MyPlugin37.dll on Windows. Furthermore, if Ice is built on Windows with debugging, a d is automatically appended to the version (for example, MyPlugin37d.dll). The configuration is the same for the C++11 mapping and the C++98 mapping: Ice computes the name of the shared library to load and adds automatically a "++11" suffix when needed.

The function must be declared with external linkage and have the following signature:

Ice::Plugin* function(const std::shared_ptr<Ice::Communicator>& communicator,
                      const std::string& name,
                      const Ice::StringSeq& args);
Ice::Plugin* function(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator,
                      const std::string& name,
                      const Ice::StringSeq& args);

Note that the function must return a pointer and not a smart pointer.

Any arguments that follow the entry point are passed to the entry point function. For example:

Ice.Plugin.MyPlugin.cpp=MyFactory,37:create arg1 arg2

Whitespace separates the arguments, and any arguments that contain whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.

The path component may optionally contain a relative or absolute path name, indicated by the presence of a path separator (/ or \). In this case, the last component of the path is used to construct the version-specific name of the shared library or DLL. Consider this example:

Ice.Plugin.MyPlugin.cpp=./MyFactory,37:create arg1 arg2

The use of a relative path means the Ice run time will look in the current working directory for on Unix or MyPlugin37.dll on Windows.

If the path component contains spaces, the entire entry point must be enclosed in quotes:

Ice.Plugin.MyPlugin.cpp="C:\Program Files\MyPlugin\MyFactory,37:create" arg1 arg2

If the path component does not include a leading path name, Ice delegates to the operating system to locate the shared library or DLL, which typically means that the plug-in can reside in any of the directories in your shared library or DLL search path.

When the plug-in is packaged in a static library and linked into the application through Ice::registerPluginFactory, the entry point (path[,version]:function) component of this property is ignored. The args, if any, are preserved, and are given to the registered plug-in factory function when the plug-in is created.

Synopsis[path:]class [args]


Defines a Java plug-in to be installed during communicator initialization. The specified class must implement the com.zeroc.Ice.PluginFactory interface. Any arguments that follow the class name are passed to the create method. For example: arg1 arg2

Whitespace separates the arguments, and any arguments that contain whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.

If path is specified, it may be the path name of a JAR file or class directory, as shown below:

If path contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes:"factory classes.jar":MyFactory

If class is specified without a path, Ice attempts to load the class using class loaders in a well-defined order.

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