Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

IceSSL Property Overview

The IceSSL implementations for our supported platforms use many of the same configuration properties. However, there are some properties that are specific to certain platforms or languages. For properties with such limitations, we list the supported platforms or underlying SSL libraries in the synopsis and provide additional platform-specific notes if necessary. You'll see the following platforms, languages and SSL libraries listed in the property reference:

  • SChannel (C++ on Windows)
  • SecureTransport (C++ and Objective-C on macOS and iOS)
  • OpenSSL (C++ on Linux or Windows)
  • Java
  • .NET
  • UWP

A property is supported by all platforms if no limitations are mentioned.

Finally, note that Ice for Objective-C and the Ice extensions for Python, Ruby and PHP use IceSSL for C++, therefore they use the IceSSL properties for SChannel, SecureTransport or OpenSSL as appropriate for the target platform.


These IceSSL properties have no effect on JavaScript.



IceSSL.Alias=alias (Java)


Selects a particular certificate from the key store specified by IceSSL.Keystore. The certificate identified by alias is presented to the peer request during authentication.



IceSSL.CAs=path (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, .NET)


Specifies the path name of a file containing the certificates of trusted certificate authorities (CAs).

If you wish to use the CA certificates bundled with your platform, leave this property unset and enable IceSSL.UsePlatformCAs.

Platform Notes

SChannel, SecureTransport, .NET

The file can be encoded using the DER or PEM formats. When using PEM, the file can contain multiple certificates.

IceSSL attempts to locate path as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate path relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.

On iOS, IceSSL also attempts to open the specified CA certificate file as Resources/DefaultDir/path in the application's resource bundle if IceSSL.DefaultDir is defined or as Resources/path if not defined.


The file must be encoded using the PEM format and can contain multiple certificates. The path can also refer to a directory prepared in advance using the OpenSSL utility c_rehash.

IceSSL attempts to locate path as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate path relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.


See IceSSL.Truststore.


This property has no effect in UWP applications. UWP application must set the "Exclusive Trust" flag in the "Certificates" declaration  of the application manifest  and add the required certificates to the applications "Root" store, or unset the "Exclusive Trust" flag and rely on the system "Trusted Certificate Authorities" current user store.



IceSSL.CertFile=file (SecureTransport, .NET, UWP)
IceSSL.CertFile=file[;file] (SChannel)
IceSSL.CertFile=file[:file] (OpenSSL) 


Specifies a file that contains the program's certificate and the corresponding private key. The file name may be specified relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.

Platform Notes


The file must use the PFX (PKCS#12) format and contain the certificate and its private key. If a password is required to load the file, the application must either install a password handler or supply the password using IceSSL.Password, otherwise IceSSL will reject the certificate.

This property accepts certificates for both RSA and DSA. To specify both certificates, separate the file names using the platform's path separator character.

IceSSL attempts to locate file as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate file relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.


The file must use the PFX (PKCS#12) format and contain the certificate and its private key. If a password is required to load the file, macOS will use its default graphical password prompt unless the application has installed a password handler or supplied the password using IceSSL.Password. Define IceSSL.Keychain to import this certificate into the specified keychain.

IceSSL attempts to locate file as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate file relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.

On iOS, IceSSL also attempts to open the specified certificate file as Resources/DefaultDir/file in the application's resource bundle if IceSSL.DefaultDir is defined or as Resources/file if not defined.


The file must use the PFX (PKCS#12) format and contain the certificate and its private key. If a password is required to load the file, OpenSSL will prompt the user at the terminal unless the application has installed a password handler or supplied the password using IceSSL.Password.

This property accepts certificates for both RSA and DSA. To specify both certificates, separate the file names using the platform's path separator character.

IceSSL attempts to locate file as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate file relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.


The file must use the PFX (PKCS#12) format and contain the certificate and its private key. The password for the file must be supplied using IceSSL.Password.

IceSSL attempts to locate file as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate file relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.


See IceSSL.Keystore.


The file must use the PFX (PKCS#12) format and contain the certificate and its private key. The password for the file must be supplied using IceSSL.Password.  The certificate is imported into the application Personal certificate store. The file must use one of ms-appx:/// or ms-appdata:/// URIs schemes.




IceSSL.CertStore=name (SChannel, .NET, UWP)


Specifies the name of a certificate store to use when locating certificates via IceSSL.FindCert. Legal values for name include AddressBookAuthRootCertificateAuthorityDisallowedMyRootTrustedPeople, and TrustedPublisher. You can also use an arbitrary value for name.

If not specified, the default value is My.



IceSSL.CertStoreLocation=CurrentUser|LocalMachine (SChannel, .NET)


Specifies the location of a certificate store to use when locating certificates via IceSSL.FindCert. If not specified, the default value is CurrentUser.

An Ice program running as a Windows service will typically need to set this property to LocalMachine.



IceSSL.CertVerifier=classname (Java, .NET)


Specifies the name of a Java or .NET class that implements the IceSSL.CertificateVerifier interface for performing application-defined certificate verification.

Platform Notes

SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL and UWP

C++ applications can install a certificate verifier programmatically.





If num is a value greater than zero, IceSSL will enable the host name verification mechanism of the underlying SSL engine. IceSSL skips this validation step if the server does not supply a certificate, or if the proxy endpoint does not include a host name and Ice.Default.Host is not defined. This property has no effect on a server's validation of a client's certificate. If no match is found, IceSSL aborts the connection attempt and raises an exception. If not defined, the default value is zero.



IceSSL.CheckCRL=num (.NET)


If num is a value greater than zero, IceSSL checks the certificate revocation list (CRL) to determine if the peer's certificate has been revoked. The value for num determines the resulting behavior:


Disables CRL checking.


If a certificate is revoked, IceSSL aborts the connection, logs a message and raises an exception. If a certificate's revocation status is unknown, IceSSL logs a message but accepts the certificate.


If a certificate is revoked or its revocation status is unknown, IceSSL aborts the connection, logs a message and raises an exception.

The IceSSL.Trace.Security property must be set to a non-zero value to see CRL-related log messages. If IceSSL.CheckCRL is not defined, the default value is zero.



IceSSL.Ciphers=ciphers (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java)


Specifies the cipher suites that IceSSL is allowed to negotiate. A cipher suite is a set of algorithms that satisfies the four requirements for establishing a secure connection: signing and authentication, key exchange, secure hashing, and encryption. Some algorithms satisfy more than one requirement, and there are many possible combinations.

If not specified, the plug-in uses the security provider's default cipher suites. Enable IceSSL.Trace.Security and carefully review the application's log output to determine which cipher suites are enabled by default, or to verify your cipher suite configuration.

Platform Notes


The value of this property is a whitespace-separated list that can include any of the following:

  • 3DES
  • AES_128
  • AES_256
  • DES
  • RC2
  • RC4

For example, the following setting enables AES cipher suites:

IceSSL.Ciphers=AES_128 AES_256

Anonymous Diffie Hellman ciphers are not supported on Windows.


The property value is interpreted as a list of tokens delimited by white space. The plug-in executes the tokens in the order of appearance in order to assemble the list of enabled cipher suites. The table below describes the tokens:


Reserved keyword that enables all supported cipher suites. If specified, it must be the first token in the list. Use with caution as it may enable low-security cipher suites.


Reserved keyword that disables all cipher suites. If specified, it must be the first token in the list. Use NONE to start with an empty set of cipher suites and then add only those suites you want to allow.


Includes the cipher suite whose name matches NAME exactly.


Excludes the cipher suite whose name matches NAME exactly.


Includes all cipher suites whose names contain the given regular expression EXP.


Excludes all cipher suites whose names contain the given regular expression EXP.

For example, the following setting disables all cipher suites except those that support 256-bit AES with SHA256:

IceSSL.Ciphers=NONE (AES_256.*SHA256)

Note that no warning is given if an unrecognized cipher is specified.


The value of this property is passed directly to the OpenSSL library and the list of supported ciphers depends on how your installation of OpenSSL was compiled. You can obtain a complete list of the supported cipher suites using the command openssl ciphers. This command will likely generate a long list. To simplify the selection process, OpenSSL supports several classes of ciphers. Classes and ciphers can be excluded by prefixing them with an exclamation point. The special keyword @STRENGTH sorts the current cipher list in order of encryption algorithm key length. The classes are:


Enables all supported cipher suites. This class should be used with caution, as it may enable low-security cipher suites.


Anonymous ciphers.


Low bit-strength ciphers.


Export-crippled ciphers.

Here is an example of a reasonable setting:


This value excludes the ciphers with low bit-strength and known problems, and orders the remaining ciphers according to their key length. Note that no warning is given if an unrecognized cipher is specified.


The property value is interpreted as a list of tokens delimited by white space. The plug-in executes the tokens in the order of appearance in order to assemble the list of enabled cipher suites. The table below describes the tokens:


Reserved keyword that enables all supported cipher suites. If specified, it must be the first token in the list. Use with caution as it may enable low-security cipher suites.


Reserved keyword that disables all cipher suites. If specified, it must be the first token in the list. Use NONE to start with an empty set of cipher suites and then add only those suites you want to allow.


Enables the cipher suite matching the given name.


Disables the cipher suite matching the given name.


Enables cipher suites whose names contain the regular expression EXP. For example, the value NONE (.*DH_anon.*AES.*) selects only cipher suites that use anonymous Diffie-Hellman authentication with AES encryption.


Disables cipher suites whose names contain the regular expression EXP. For example, the value ALL !(.*DH_anon.*AES.*) enables all cipher suites except those that use anonymous Diffie-Hellman authentication with AES encryption.





Specifies the default directory in which to look for certificates, key stores, and other files. See the descriptions of the relevant properties for more information.

Platform Notes


This property has not effect in UWP application.




IceSSL.DH.bits=file (OpenSSL)


Specifies a file containing Diffie Hellman parameters whose key length is bits, as shown in the following example:


IceSSL supplies default parameters for key lengths of 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 bits, which are used if no user-defined parameters of the desired key length are specified. The parameters must be encoded using the PEM format.

IceSSL attempts to locate file as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate file relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.

Platform Notes


See IceSSL.DHParams.



IceSSL.DHParams=file (SecureTransport)


Specifies a file containing Diffie Hellman parameters. The parameters must be encoded using the DER format.

This property only affects server (incoming) connections. Clients obtain their DH parameters when negotiating a SSL/TLS connection with the server.

IceSSL attempts to locate file as specified; if the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate file relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.

If this property is not specified, macOS will generate its own set of Diffie Hellman parameters for the process. Computing these parameters at run time can take up to 30 seconds, so we recommend generating them in advance and defining this property.

Diffie Hellman parameters are not supported on iOS, this property will be ignored. 

You can generate Diffie Hellman parameters using the openssl dhparam command.

Platform Notes


Use IceSSL.DH.bits.



IceSSL.EntropyDaemon=file (OpenSSL)


Specifies a Unix domain socket for the entropy gathering daemon, from which OpenSSL gathers entropy data to initialize its random number generator.




IceSSL.FindCert=criteria (SChannel, SecureTransport, .NET)


Builds a collection of certificates that will be used for authentication.

A server requires a certificate for authentication purposes, therefore IceSSL selects the first certificate in the accumulated collection. This is normally the certificate loaded via IceSSL.CertFile, if that property was defined. Otherwise, IceSSL selects one of the certificates identified by IceSSL.FindCert.

Platform Notes

SChannel, .NET

IceSSL queries a certificate store for matching certificates and adds them to the application's certificate collection. The settings for IceSSL.CertStore and IceSSL.CertStoreLocation determine the target certificate store to be queried.

The value for criteria may be *, in which case all of the certificates in the store are selected. Otherwise, criteria must be one or more field:value pairs separated by white space. The valid field names are described below:


Matches a substring of the issuer's name.


Matches the issuer's entire distinguished name.


Matches the certificate's serial number.


Matches a substring of the subject's name.


Matches the subject's entire distinguished name.


Matches the certificate's subject key identifier.


Matches the certificate's SHA1 hash.

The field names are case-insensitive. If multiple criteria are specified, only certificates that match all criteria are selected. Values must be enclosed in single or double quotes to preserve white space.


IceSSL queries the keychain for matching certificates and adds them to the application's certificate collection. IceSSL uses the keychain identified in IceSSL.Keychain, or the user's default keychain if IceSSL.Keychain is not defined.

The value for criteria must be one or more field:value pairs separated by white space. The valid field names are described below:


Matches the user-visible label.


Matches the certificate's serial number.


Matches a substring of the subject's name.


Matches the certificate's subject key identifier.

The field names are case-insensitive. If multiple criteria are specified, only certificates that match all criteria are selected. Values must be enclosed in single or double quotes to preserve white space.

On iOS, matching on the Subject field is not supported.


Use IceSSL.Alias.



IceSSL.InitOpenSSL=num (OpenSSL)


Indicates whether IceSSL should perform the global initialization tasks for the OpenSSL library. The default value is 1, meaning IceSSL will initialize OpenSSL. An application can set this property to zero if it wishes to perform the OpenSSL initialization itself, which can be useful when the application uses multiple components that depend on OpenSSL.



IceSSL.Keychain=name (SecureTransport)


Specifies the name of a keychain in which to import the certificate identified by IceSSL.CertFile. Set IceSSL.KeychainPassword if the specified keychain has a password.

A relative path name is opened relative to the current working directory. If the specified keychain file does not exist, a new file is created. If not defined, IceSSL uses the user's default keychain.

On iOS this property is ignored, IceSSL uses the default device keychain.



IceSSL.KeychainPassword=password (SecureTransport)


Specifies the password for the keychain identified by IceSSL.Keychain. If not defined, IceSSL attempts to open the keychain without a password.

On iOS, this property is ignored.



IceSSL.Keystore=file (Java)


Specifies a key store file containing certificates and their private keys. If the key store contains multiple certificates, you should specify a particular one to use for authentication using IceSSL.Alias. IceSSL first attempts to open file as a class loader resource and then as a regular file. If the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate it relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir. The format of the file is determined by IceSSL.KeystoreType.

If this property is not defined, the application will not be able to supply a certificate during SSL handshaking. As a result, the application may not be able to negotiate a secure connection, or might be required to use an anonymous cipher suite.



IceSSL.KeystorePassword=password (Java)


Specifies the password used to verify the integrity of the key store defined by IceSSL.Keystore. The integrity check is skipped if this property is not defined.

It is a security risk to use a plain-text password in a configuration file.



IceSSL.KeystoreType=type (Java)


Specifies the format of the key store file defined by IceSSL.Keystore. Legal values are JKS and PKCS12. If not defined, the JVM's default value is used (normally JKS).





Specifies the password necessary to decrypt the private key.

It is a security risk to use a plain-text password in a configuration file.

Platform Notes

SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, UWP

This property supplies the password that was used to secure the private key contained in the file defined by IceSSL.CertFile.


This property supplies the password that was used to secure the private key contained in the key store defined by IceSSL.Keystore. All of the keys in the key store must use the same password.


This property supplies the password that was used to secure the file defined by IceSSL.CertFile.


This property supplies the password that was used to secure the file defined by IceSSL.CertFile.



IceSSL.PasswordCallback=classname (Java, .NET)


Specifies the name of a Java or .NET class that implements the IceSSL.PasswordCallback interface. Using a password callback is a more secure alternative to specifying a password in a plain-text configuration file.

Platform Notes

SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, UWP

Use setPasswordPrompt to install a password callback in the plug-in.



IceSSL.PasswordRetryMax=num (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, UWP)


Specifies the number of attempts IceSSL should allow the user to make when entering a password. If not defined, the default value is 3.



IceSSL.Protocols=list (SChannel, OpenSSL, Java, .NET)


Specifies the protocols to allow during SSL handshaking. Legal values are as follows:

  • SSL3, SSLv3
  • TLS1, TLSv1
  • TLS1_0, TLSv1_0 (aliases for TLS1)
  • TLS1_1, TLSv1_1
  • TLS1_2, TLSv1_2

Case is ignored, so for example tls1_2 is also accepted.

You can specify multiple values for this property by separating them with commas or white space. If this property is not defined, the default setting is as follows:

IceSSL.Protocols=TLS1_0, TLS1_1, TLS1_2

Platform Notes


Use IceSSL.ProtocolVersionMin and IceSSL.ProtocolVersionMax.



IceSSL.ProtocolVersionMax=prot (SecureTransport)


Specifies the maximum protocol to allow during SSL handshaking. Legal values are the same as for IceSSL.Protocols. If this property is not defined, the system's default value is used.

Platform Notes

SChannel, OpenSSL, Java, .NET

Use IceSSL.Protocols.



IceSSL.ProtocolVersionMin=prot (SecureTransport)


Specifies the minimum protocol to allow during SSL handshaking. Legal values are the same as for IceSSL.Protocols. If this property is not defined, the default value is TLS1_0.

Platform Notes

SChannel, OpenSSL, Java, .NET

Use IceSSL.Protocols.



IceSSL.Random=filelist (OpenSSL, Java)


Specifies one or more files containing data to use when seeding the random number generator. The file names should be separated using the platform's path separator.

Platform Notes


IceSSL attempts to locate each file as specified; if a given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate it relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.


IceSSL first attempts to open each file as a class loader resource and then as a regular file. If a given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate it relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir.



IceSSL.SchannelStrongCrypto=num (SChannel)


If num is a value greater than zero, the IceSSL SChannel implementation will set the SCH_USE_STRONG_CRYPTO flag which instructs SChannel to disable known weak cryptographic algorithms. The default value for this property is 0 for better interoperability.



IceSSL.Trace.Security=num (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET)


The SSL plug-in trace level:


No security tracing (default).


Display diagnostic information about SSL connections.



IceSSL.TrustOnly=ENTRY[;ENTRY;...] (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET, UWP)


Identifies trusted and untrusted peers. This family of properties provides an additional level of authentication by using the peer certificate's distinguished name (DN) to decide whether to accept or reject a connection.

Each ENTRY in the property value consists of relative distinguished name (RDN) components, formatted according to the rules in RFC 2253. Specifically, the components must be separated by commas, and any component that contains a comma must be escaped or enclosed in quotes. For example, the following two property definitions are equivalent:

IceSSL.TrustOnly=O="Acme, Inc.",OU=Sales
IceSSL.TrustOnly=O=Acme\, Inc.,OU="Sales"

Use a semicolon to separate multiple entries in a property:

IceSSL.TrustOnly=O=Acme\, Inc.,OU=Sales;O=Acme\, Inc.,OU=Marketing

By default, each entry represents an acceptance entry. A ! character appearing at the beginning of an entry signifies a rejection entry. The order of the entries in a property is not important.

After the SSL engine has successfully completed its authentication process, IceSSL evaluates the relevant IceSSL.TrustOnly properties in an attempt to find an entry that matches the peer certificate's DN. For a match to be successful, the peer DN must contain an exact match for all of the RDN components in an entry. An entry may contain as many RDN components as you wish, depending on how narrowly you need to restrict access. The order of the RDN components in an entry is not important.

The connection semantics are described below:

  1. IceSSL aborts the connection if any rejection or acceptance entries are defined and the peer does not supply a certificate.
  2. IceSSL aborts the connection if the peer DN matches any rejection entry. (This is true even if the peer DN also matches an acceptance entry.)
  3. IceSSL accepts the connection if the peer DN matches any acceptance entry, or if no acceptance entries are defined.

Our original example limits access to people in the sales and marketing departments:

IceSSL.TrustOnly=O=Acme\, Inc.,OU=Sales;O=Acme\, Inc.,OU=Marketing

If it later becomes necessary to deny access to certain individuals in these departments, you can add a rejection entry and restart the program:

IceSSL.TrustOnly=O=Acme\, Inc.,OU=Sales; O=Acme\, Inc.,OU=Marketing; !O=Acme\, Inc.,CN=John Smith

While testing your trust configuration, you may find it helpful to set the IceSSL.Trace.Security property to a non-zero value, which causes IceSSL to display the DN of each peer during connection establishment.

This property affects incoming and outgoing connections. IceSSL also supports similar properties that affect only incoming connections or only outgoing connections.

Platform Notes


UWP applications can only match the CN part of the DN, the full DN is not provided by the UWP certificate APIs.



IceSSL.TrustOnly.Client=ENTRY[;ENTRY;...] (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET, UWP)


Identifies trusted and untrusted peers for outgoing (client) connections. The entries defined in this property are combined with those of IceSSL.TrustOnly.

Platform Notes


UWP applications can only match the CN part of the DN, the full DN is not provided by the UWP certificate APIs.



IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server=ENTRY[;ENTRY;...] (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET)


Identifies trusted and untrusted peers for incoming ("server") connections. The entries defined in this property are combined with those of IceSSL.TrustOnly. To configure trusted and untrusted peers for a particular object adapter, use IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server.AdapterName.





IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server.AdapterName=ENTRY[;ENTRY;...] (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET)


Identifies trusted and untrusted peers for incoming (server) connections to the object adapter AdapterName. The entries defined in this property are combined with those of IceSSL.TrustOnly and IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server.



IceSSL.Truststore=file (Java)


Specifies a key store file containing the certificates of trusted certificate authorities. IceSSL first attempts to open file as a class loader resource and then as a regular file. If the given path is relative but does not exist, IceSSL also attempts to locate it relative to the default directory defined by IceSSL.DefaultDir. The format of the file is determined by IceSSL.TruststoreType.

If this property is not defined, IceSSL uses the value of IceSSL.Keystore by default. If no truststore is specified and the keystore does not contain a valid certificate chain, the application will not be able to authenticate the peer's certificate during SSL handshaking. As a result, the application may not be able to negotiate a secure connection, or might be required to use an anonymous cipher suite.

Platform Notes

SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, .NET

Use IceSSL.CAs.



IceSSL.TruststorePassword=password (Java)


Specifies the password used to verify the integrity of the key store defined by IceSSL.Truststore. The integrity check is skipped if this property is not defined.

It is a security risk to use a plain-text password in a configuration file.

Platform Notes

SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, .NET

Use IceSSL.Password.



IceSSL.TruststoreType=type (Java)


Specifies the format of the key store file defined by IceSSL.Truststore. Legal values are JKS and PKCS12. If not defined, the default value is JKS.





If num is a value greater than zero, IceSSL uses the platform's bundled Root Certificate Authorities. This setting is ignored if IceSSL.CAs is defined.

If not defined, the default value is zero.

Platform Notes


This property has no effect in UWP applications. A UWP application must set the Exclusive Trust flag in the Certificates declaration of the application manifest to decide whether or not to trust certificates from the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities user store.



IceSSL.VerifyDepthMax=num (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET, UWP)


Specifies the maximum depth of a trusted peer's certificate chain, including the peer's certificate. A value of zero accepts chains of any length. If not defined, the default value is 3.



IceSSL.VerifyPeer=num (SChannel, SecureTransport, OpenSSL, Java, .NET, UWP)


Specifies the verification requirements to use during SSL handshaking. The legal values are shown in the table below. If this property is not defined, the default value is 2.


For an outgoing connection, the client verifies the server's certificate (if an anonymous cipher is not used) but does not abort the connection if verification fails. For an incoming connection, the server does not request a certificate from the client.


For an outgoing connection, the client verifies the server's certificate and aborts the connection if verification fails. For an incoming connection, the server requests a certificate from the client and verifies it if one is provided, aborting the connection if verification fails.


For an outgoing connection, the semantics are the same as for the value 1. For an incoming connection, the server requires a certificate from the client and aborts the connection if verification fails.

Platform Notes


This property has no effect on outgoing connections, since .NET always uses the semantics of value 2. For an incoming connection, the value 0 has the same semantics as the value 1.


  • No labels