Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



interface AdapterObserver

This interface allows applications to monitor the state of object adapters that are registered with IceGrid.

Operation Index

adapterInitadapterInit is called after registration of an observer to indicate the state of the registry.
adapterAdded — The adapterAdded operation is called to notify an observer when a dynamically-registered adapter was added.
adapterUpdated — The adapterUpdated operation is called to notify an observer when a dynamically-registered adapter was updated.
adapterRemoved — The adapterRemoved operation is called to notify an observer when a dynamically-registered adapter was removed.


void adapterInit(IceGrid::AdapterInfoSeq adpts)

adapterInit is called after registration of an observer to indicate the state of the registry.


adpts — The adapters that were dynamically registered with the registry (not through the deployment mechanism).

void adapterAdded(IceGrid::AdapterInfo info)

The adapterAdded operation is called to notify an observer when a dynamically-registered adapter was added.


info — The details of the new adapter.

void adapterUpdated(IceGrid::AdapterInfo info)

The adapterUpdated operation is called to notify an observer when a dynamically-registered adapter was updated.


info — The details of the updated adapter.

void adapterRemoved(string id)

The adapterRemoved operation is called to notify an observer when a dynamically-registered adapter was removed.


id — The ID of the removed adapter.

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