Preliminary documentation for Ice for MATLAB. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

Mapped Java Class

A Slice local interface is mapped to a Java interface with the same name, for example:

module Ice
    local interface Communicator

is mapped to the Java interface Communicator:

package com.zeroc.Ice;
public interface Communicator

The delegate metadata allows you to map a local interface with a single operation to a functional Java interface. For example:

module Ice
    ["delegate"] local interface ValueFactory
        Value create(string type);

is mapped to:

package com.zeroc.Ice;
public interface ValueFactory
    com.zeroc.Ice.Value create(String type);

LocalObject in Java

All Slice local interfaces implicitly derive from LocalObject, which is mapped to java.lang.Object in Java.

Mapping for Local Interface Inheritance in Java

Inheritance of local Slice interfaces is mapped to interface inheritance in Java. For example:

module M
    local interface A {}
    local interface B extends A {}
    local interface C extends A {}
    local interface D extends B, C {} 

is mapped to:

package M;
public interface A {}
public interface B extends A {}
public interface C extends A {}
public interface D extends B, C {}

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