Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

IceUtil::ScopedArray is a smart pointer class similar to Handle. However, instead of managing the memory for class instances, ScopedArray manages memory for an array. This class is provided mainly for use with the stream API. However, you can use it with arrays for other purposes.

Here is the definition of the template in full:

template<typename T>
class ScopedArray : private IceUtil::noncopyable
    explicit ScopedArray(T* ptr = 0)
        : _ptr(ptr) { }

    ScopedArray(const ScopedArray& other) 
        _ptr = other._ptr;
        const_cast<ScopedArray&>(other)._ptr = 0;

        if(_ptr != 0)
            delete[] _ptr;

    void reset(T* ptr = 0)
        assert(ptr == 0 || ptr != _ptr);
        if(_ptr != 0)
            delete[] _ptr;
        _ptr = ptr;

    T& operator[](size_t i) const 
        assert(_ptr != 0);
        assert(i >= 0);
        return _ptr[i];

    T* get() const
        return _ptr;

    void swap(ScopedArray& a)
        T* tmp = a._ptr;
        a._ptr = _ptr;
        _ptr = tmp;

    T* _ptr;

The class allows you to allocate an array on the heap and assign its pointer to a ScopedArray instance. When the instance goes out of scope, it calls delete[] on the array, so you do not need to deallocate the array explicitly yourself. This greatly reduces the risk of a memory leak due to an early return or uncaught exception.

See Also

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