Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

As in the case of Ice objects, a Dynamic Ice application may represent user exceptions in a native format that is not directly compatible with the Ice API. If the application needs to raise such a user exception to the Ice run time, the exception must be wrapped in a subclass of Ice.UserException. The Dynamic Ice API provides a class to simplify this process:

namespace Ice
    public abstract class UserExceptionWriter : UserException
        public UserExceptionWriter(Communicator communicator);

        public abstract void write(OutputStream os);
        public abstract bool usesClasses();

        // ...

A subclass of UserExceptionWriter is responsible for supplying a communicator to the constructor, and for implementing the following methods:

  • void write(OutputStream os)
    This method is invoked when the Ice run time is ready to marshal the exception. The subclass must marshal the exception using the encoding rules for exceptions.
  • bool usesClasses()
    Return true if the exception, or any base exception, contains a data member that is an object by value.
See Also
  • No labels