Ice 3.7 C++11 API Reference
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Ice Namespace Reference




struct  ACM
 A collection of Active Connection Management configuration settings. More...
class  AdapterAlreadyActiveException
 This exception is raised if a server tries to set endpoints for an adapter that is already active. More...
class  AdapterNotFoundException
 This exception is raised if an adapter cannot be found. More...
class  AlreadyRegisteredException
 An attempt was made to register something more than once with the Ice run time. More...
class  Application
 Singleton helper class that simplifies Ice initialization, finalization and signal handling. More...
class  BadMagicException
 This exception indicates that a message did not start with the expected magic number ('I', 'c', 'e', 'P'). More...
class  BatchRequest
 Represents an invocation on a proxy configured for batch-oneway or batch-datagram. More...
class  Blobject
 Base class for dynamic dispatch servants. More...
class  BlobjectArray
 Base class for dynamic dispatch servants that uses the array mapping. More...
class  BlobjectArrayAsync
 Base class for asynchronous dynamic dispatch servants that uses the array mapping. More...
class  BlobjectAsync
 Base class for asynchronous dynamic dispatch servants. More...
class  CFNetworkException
 This exception indicates CFNetwork errors. More...
class  CloneNotImplementedException
 An attempt was made to clone a class that does not support cloning. More...
class  CloseConnectionException
 This exception indicates that the connection has been gracefully shut down by the server. More...
class  CloseTimeoutException
 This exception indicates a connection closure timeout condition. More...
class  CollocationOptimizationException
 This exception is raised if a feature is requested that is not supported with collocation optimization. More...
class  Communicator
 The central object in Ice. More...
class  CommunicatorDestroyedException
 This exception is raised if the Communicator has been destroyed. More...
class  CommunicatorHolder
 A helper class that uses Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) to initialize and hold a communicator instance, and automatically destroy the communicator when the holder goes out of scope. More...
class  CompactIdResolver
 The base class for a compact ID resolver. More...
class  CompressionException
 This exception indicates a problem with compressing or uncompressing data. More...
class  ConnectFailedException
 This exception indicates connection failures. More...
class  Connection
 The user-level interface to a connection. More...
class  ConnectionInfo
 Base class providing access to the connection details. More...
class  ConnectionLostException
 This exception indicates a lost connection. More...
class  ConnectionManuallyClosedException
 This exception is raised by an operation call if the application closes the connection locally using Connection#close. More...
class  ConnectionNotValidatedException
 This exception is raised if a message is received over a connection that is not yet validated. More...
class  ConnectionRefusedException
 This exception indicates a connection failure for which the server host actively refuses a connection. More...
class  ConnectionTimeoutException
 This exception indicates that a connection has been shut down because it has been idle for some time. More...
class  ConnectTimeoutException
 This exception indicates a connection establishment timeout condition. More...
struct  Current
 Information about the current method invocation for servers. More...
class  DatagramLimitException
 A datagram exceeds the configured size. More...
class  DispatchInterceptor
 Base class for a dispatch interceptor, which is a servant that dispatches requests to another servant. More...
class  DNSException
 This exception indicates a DNS problem. More...
class  EncapsulationException
 This exception indicates a malformed data encapsulation. More...
struct  EncodingVersion
 A version structure for the encoding version. More...
class  Endpoint
 The user-level interface to an endpoint. More...
class  EndpointInfo
 Base class providing access to the endpoint details. More...
class  EndpointParseException
 This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an endpoint. More...
class  EndpointSelectionTypeParseException
 This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an endpoint selection type. More...
class  FacetNotExistException
 This exception is raised if no facet with the given name exists, but at least one facet with the given identity exists. More...
class  FeatureNotSupportedException
 This exception is raised if an unsupported feature is used. More...
class  FileException
 This exception indicates file errors. More...
class  FixedProxyException
 This exception indicates that an attempt has been made to change the connection properties of a fixed proxy. More...
class  IconvInitializationException
 Indicates that Iconv does not support the code. More...
struct  Identity
 The identity of an Ice object. More...
class  IdentityParseException
 This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a stringified identity. More...
class  IllegalIdentityException
 This exception is raised if an illegal identity is encountered. More...
class  IllegalMessageSizeException
 This exception indicates that a message size is less than the minimum required size. More...
class  IllegalServantException
 This exception is raised to reject an illegal servant (typically a null servant) More...
class  ImplicitContext
 An interface to associate implict contexts with communicators. More...
struct  InitializationData
 Encapsulates data to initialize a communicator. More...
class  InitializationException
 This exception is raised when a failure occurs during initialization. More...
class  InputStream
 Interface for input streams used to extract Slice types from a sequence of bytes. More...
class  InterfaceByValue
 Represents an instance of a Slice interface that was marshaled by value. More...
class  InvalidReplicaGroupIdException
 This exception is raised if the replica group provided by the server is invalid. More...
class  InvocationCanceledException
 This exception indicates that an asynchronous invocation failed because it was canceled explicitly by the user. More...
class  InvocationTimeoutException
 This exception indicates that an invocation failed because it timed out. More...
class  IPConnectionInfo
 Provides access to the connection details of an IP connection. More...
class  IPEndpointInfo
 Provides access to the address details of a IP endpoint. More...
class  LocalException
 Base class for all Ice run-time exceptions. More...
class  LocalExceptionHelper
 Helper template for the implementation of Ice::LocalException. More...
class  Locator
 The Ice locator interface. More...
class  LocatorFinder
 This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Locator interface. More...
class  LocatorFinderPrx
 This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Locator interface. More...
class  LocatorPrx
 The Ice locator interface. More...
class  LocatorRegistry
 The Ice locator registry interface. More...
class  LocatorRegistryPrx
 The Ice locator registry interface. More...
class  Logger
 The Ice message logger. More...
class  LoggerAdmin
 The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator. More...
class  LoggerAdminPrx
 The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator. More...
class  LoggerOutput
 Collects output and flushes it via a logger method. More...
class  LoggerOutputBase
 Base class for logger output utility classes. More...
class  LoggerPlugin
 A special plug-in that installs a logger during a communicator's initialization. More...
struct  LogMessage
 A complete log message. More...
class  MarshaledResult
 Base class for marshaled result structures, which are generated for operations having the marshaled-result metadata tag. More...
class  MarshalException
 This exception is raised for errors during marshaling or unmarshaling data. More...
class  MemoryLimitException
 This exception is raised when Ice receives a request or reply message whose size exceeds the limit specified by the Ice.MessageSizeMax property. More...
class  NativePropertiesAdmin
 Base class for the Properties admin facet. More...
class  NoEndpointException
 This exception is raised if no suitable endpoint is available. More...
class  NotRegisteredException
 An attempt was made to find or deregister something that is not registered with the Ice run time or Ice locator. More...
class  NoValueFactoryException
 This exception is raised if no suitable value factory was found during unmarshaling of a Slice class instance. More...
class  Object
 The base class for servants. More...
class  ObjectAdapter
 The object adapter provides an up-call interface from the Ice run time to the implementation of Ice objects. More...
class  ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException
 This exception is raised if an attempt is made to use a deactivated ObjectAdapter. More...
class  ObjectAdapterIdInUseException
 This exception is raised if an ObjectAdapter cannot be activated. More...
class  ObjectFactory
 A factory for objects. More...
class  ObjectNotExistException
 This exception is raised if an object does not exist on the server, that is, if no facets with the given identity exist. More...
class  ObjectNotFoundException
 This exception is raised if an object cannot be found. More...
class  ObjectPrx
 Base class of all object proxies. More...
class  OpaqueEndpointInfo
 Provides access to the details of an opaque endpoint. More...
class  OperationInterruptedException
 This exception indicates a request was interrupted. More...
class  OperationNotExistException
 This exception is raised if an operation for a given object does not exist on the server. More...
class  OutputStream
 Interface for output streams used to create a sequence of bytes from Slice types. More...
class  Plugin
 A communicator plug-in. More...
class  PluginInitializationException
 This exception indicates that a failure occurred while initializing a plug-in. More...
class  PluginManager
 Each communicator has a plug-in manager to administer the set of plug-ins. More...
class  Process
 An administrative interface for process management. More...
class  ProcessPrx
 An administrative interface for process management. More...
class  Properties
 A property set used to configure Ice and Ice applications. More...
class  PropertiesAdmin
 The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties of a communicator. More...
class  PropertiesAdminPrx
 The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties of a communicator. More...
class  ProtocolException
 A generic exception base for all kinds of protocol error conditions. More...
struct  ProtocolVersion
 A version structure for the protocol version. More...
class  Proxy
 Helper template that supplies proxy factory functions. More...
struct  ProxyIdentityAndFacetEqual
 A functor that compares the object identities and facets of two proxies. More...
struct  ProxyIdentityAndFacetLess
 A functor that compares the object identities and facets of two proxies. More...
struct  ProxyIdentityEqual
 A functor that compares the object identities of two proxies. More...
struct  ProxyIdentityLess
 A functor that compares the object identities of two proxies. More...
class  ProxyParseException
 This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a stringified proxy. More...
class  ProxyUnmarshalException
 This exception is raised if inconsistent data is received while unmarshaling a proxy. More...
class  RemoteLogger
 The Ice remote logger interface. More...
class  RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException
 Thrown when the provided RemoteLogger was previously attached to a LoggerAdmin. More...
class  RemoteLoggerPrx
 The Ice remote logger interface. More...
class  Request
 Encapsulates details about a dispatch request. More...
class  RequestFailedException
 This exception is raised if a request failed. More...
class  ResponseSentException
 Indicates that the response to a request has already been sent; re-dispatching such a request is not possible. More...
class  Router
 The Ice router interface. More...
class  RouterFinder
 This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Router interface. More...
class  RouterFinderPrx
 This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Router interface. More...
class  RouterPrx
 The Ice router interface. More...
class  SecurityException
 This exception indicates a failure in a security subsystem, such as the IceSSL plug-in. More...
class  ServantLocator
 A servant locator is called by an object adapter to locate a servant that is not found in its active servant map. More...
class  ServerNotFoundException
 This exception is raised if a server cannot be found. More...
class  Service
 A singleton class comparable to Ice::Application but also provides the low-level, platform-specific initialization and shutdown procedures common to system services. More...
class  SlicedData
 Holds the slices of unknown types. More...
struct  SliceInfo
 Encapsulates the details of a slice for an unknown class or exception type. More...
class  SocketException
 This exception indicates socket errors. More...
class  StringConversionException
 This exception is raised when a string conversion to or from UTF-8 fails during marshaling or unmarshaling. More...
class  SyscallException
 This exception is raised if a system error occurred in the server or client process. More...
class  SystemException
 Base class for all Ice system exceptions. More...
struct  TargetCompare
 Functor class that compares the contents of two smart pointers of the given type using the given comparator. More...
class  TCPConnectionInfo
 Provides access to the connection details of a TCP connection. More...
class  TCPEndpointInfo
 Provides access to a TCP endpoint information. More...
class  ThreadHookPlugin
 A special plug-in that installs a thread hook during a communicator's initialization. More...
class  ThreadNotification
 Base class for a thread notification hook. More...
class  TimeoutException
 This exception indicates a timeout condition. More...
class  Trace
 Flushes output to Logger::trace. More...
class  TwowayOnlyException
 The operation can only be invoked with a twoway request. More...
class  UDPConnectionInfo
 Provides access to the connection details of a UDP connection. More...
class  UDPEndpointInfo
 Provides access to an UDP endpoint information. More...
class  UnexpectedObjectException
 This exception is raised if the type of an unmarshaled Slice class instance does not match its expected type. More...
class  UnknownException
 This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises an unknown exception. More...
class  UnknownLocalException
 This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises a local exception. More...
class  UnknownMessageException
 This exception indicates that an unknown protocol message has been received. More...
class  UnknownReplyStatusException
 This exception indicates that an unknown reply status has been received. More...
class  UnknownRequestIdException
 This exception indicates that a response for an unknown request ID has been received. More...
class  UnknownSlicedValue
 Represents an instance of an unknown type. More...
class  UnknownUserException
 An operation raised an incorrect user exception. More...
class  UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException
 This exception is raised if an out-of-bounds condition occurs during unmarshaling. More...
class  UnsupportedEncodingException
 This exception indicates an unsupported data encoding version. More...
class  UnsupportedProtocolException
 This exception indicates an unsupported protocol version. More...
class  UserException
 Base class for all Ice user exceptions. More...
class  UserExceptionHelper
 Helper template for the implementation of Ice::UserException. More...
class  Value
 The base class for instances of Slice classes. More...
class  ValueFactoryManager
 A value factory manager maintains a collection of value factories. More...
class  VersionMismatchException
 This exception is raised if the Ice library version does not match the version in the Ice header files. More...
class  VersionParseException
 This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a version. More...
class  WSConnectionInfo
 Provides access to the connection details of a WebSocket connection. More...
class  WSEndpointInfo
 Provides access to a WebSocket endpoint information. More...


using bad_optional_access = std::experimental::Ice::bad_optional_access
 Raised when accessing an optional that doesn't contain a value. More...
template<typename charT >
using BasicStringConverter = IceUtil::BasicStringConverter< charT >
 Base class for a string converter. More...
using BoolSeq = ::std::vector< bool >
 A sequence of bools. More...
typedef unsigned char Byte
 The mapping for the Slice byte type. More...
using ByteSeq = ::std::vector< Byte >
 A sequence of bytes. More...
using CloseCallback = ::std::function< void(const ::std::shared_ptr< Connection > &con)>
 This method is called by the the connection when the connection is closed. More...
typedef IceUtil::Handle< CompactIdResolverCompactIdResolverPtr
using Context = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string >
 A request context. More...
using DispatchInterceptorPtr = ::std::shared_ptr< DispatchInterceptor >
typedef double Double
 The mapping for the Slice double type. More...
using DoubleSeq = ::std::vector< double >
 A sequence of doubles. More...
using EndpointSeq = ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > >
 A sequence of endpoints. More...
typedef LoggerOutput< Logger, LoggerPtr, &Logger::errorError
 Flushes output to Logger::error. More...
typedef IceUtil::Exception Exception
using FacetMap = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::shared_ptr< Object > >
 A mapping from facet name to servant. More...
typedef float Float
 The mapping for the Slice float type. More...
using FloatSeq = ::std::vector< float >
 A sequence of floats. More...
using HeaderDict = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string >
 A collection of HTTP headers. More...
using HeartbeatCallback = ::std::function< void(const ::std::shared_ptr< Connection > &con)>
 This method is called by the the connection when a heartbeat is received from the peer. More...
using IdentitySeq = ::std::vector< Identity >
 A sequence of identities. More...
typedef IceUtil::IllegalConversionException IllegalConversionException
 Indicates an error occurred during string conversion. More...
using in_place_t = std::experimental::Ice::in_place_t
 This type indicates that an optional value should be constructed in place. More...
typedef int Int
 The mapping for the Slice int type. More...
using IntSeq = ::std::vector< int >
 A sequence of ints. More...
typedef IceInternal::Handle< LocalObject > LocalObjectPtr
using LogMessageSeq = std::list< LogMessage >
 A sequence of LogMessage. More...
using LogMessageTypeSeq = ::std::vector< LogMessageType >
 A sequence of LogMessageType. More...
typedef long long int Long
 The mapping for the Slice long type. More...
using LongSeq = ::std::vector< long long int >
 A sequence of longs. More...
using nullopt_t = std::experimental::Ice::nullopt_t
 This type indicates that no value is provided. More...
using ObjectDict = ::std::map< Identity, ::std::shared_ptr< Object > >
 A mapping between identities and Ice objects. More...
using ObjectProxySeq = ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > >
 A sequence of object proxies. More...
using ObjectSeq = ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr< Value > >
 A sequence of objects. More...
template<class T >
using optional = std::experimental::Ice::optional< T >
 Ice::optional is a placeholder for std::optional. More...
typedef Ice::Plugin *(* PluginFactory) (const ::Ice::CommunicatorPtr &communicator, const std::string &name, const ::Ice::StringSeq &args)
 A plug-in factory function is responsible for creating an Ice plug-in. More...
typedef LoggerOutput< Logger, LoggerPtr, &Logger::printPrint
 Flushes output to Logger::print. More...
using PropertyDict = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string >
 A simple collection of properties, represented as a dictionary of key/value pairs. More...
typedef short Short
 The mapping for the Slice short type. More...
using ShortSeq = ::std::vector< short >
 A sequence of shorts. More...
using SliceChecksumDict = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string >
 A mapping from type IDs to Slice checksums. More...
typedef ::std::vector< SliceInfoPtr > SliceInfoSeq
 The slices of unknown types. More...
typedef IceUtil::StringConverter StringConverter
 Narrow string converter. More...
typedef IceUtil::StringConverterPtr StringConverterPtr
using StringSeq = ::std::vector<::std::string >
 A sequence of strings. More...
typedef IceUtil::Handle< ThreadNotificationThreadNotificationPtr
using UserExceptionFactory = std::function< void(const std::string &)>
 Creates and throws a user exception. More...
typedef IceUtil::UTF8Buffer UTF8Buffer
 Encapsulates bytes in the UTF-8 encoding. More...
using ValueFactory = ::std::function<::std::shared_ptr< Value >(const ::std::string &type)>
 Create a new value for a given value type. More...
typedef LoggerOutput< Logger, LoggerPtr, &Logger::warningWarning
 Flushes output to Logger::warning. More...
typedef IceUtil::WstringConverter WstringConverter
 Wide string converter. More...
typedef IceUtil::WstringConverterPtr WstringConverterPtr


enum  ACMClose : unsigned char {
  ACMClose::CloseOff, ACMClose::CloseOnIdle, ACMClose::CloseOnInvocation, ACMClose::CloseOnInvocationAndIdle,
 Specifies the close semantics for Active Connection Management. More...
enum  ACMHeartbeat : unsigned char { ACMHeartbeat::HeartbeatOff, ACMHeartbeat::HeartbeatOnDispatch, ACMHeartbeat::HeartbeatOnIdle, ACMHeartbeat::HeartbeatAlways }
 Specifies the heartbeat semantics for Active Connection Management. More...
enum  CompressBatch : unsigned char { CompressBatch::Yes, CompressBatch::No, CompressBatch::BasedOnProxy }
 The batch compression option when flushing queued batch requests. More...
enum  ConnectionClose : unsigned char { ConnectionClose::Forcefully, ConnectionClose::Gracefully, ConnectionClose::GracefullyWithWait }
 Determines the behavior when manually closing a connection. More...
enum  EndpointSelectionType : unsigned char { EndpointSelectionType::Random, EndpointSelectionType::Ordered }
 Determines the order in which the Ice run time uses the endpoints in a proxy when establishing a connection. More...
enum  FormatType : unsigned char { FormatType::DefaultFormat, FormatType::CompactFormat, FormatType::SlicedFormat }
 Describes the possible formats for classes and exceptions. More...
enum  LogMessageType : unsigned char { LogMessageType::PrintMessage, LogMessageType::TraceMessage, LogMessageType::WarningMessage, LogMessageType::ErrorMessage }
 An enumeration representing the different types of log messages. More...
enum  OperationMode : unsigned char { OperationMode::Normal, OperationMode::Nonmutating, OperationMode::Idempotent }
 Determines the retry behavior an invocation in case of a (potentially) recoverable error. More...
enum  SignalPolicy : unsigned char { SignalPolicy::HandleSignals, SignalPolicy::NoSignalHandling }
 Determines how the Application class handles signals. More...
enum  ToStringMode : unsigned char { ToStringMode::Unicode, ToStringMode::ASCII, ToStringMode::Compat }
 The output mode for xxxToString method such as identityToString and proxyToString. More...


StringSeq argsToStringSeq (int argc, const char *const argv[])
 Converts an argument vector into a string sequence. More...
template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr< P > checkedCast (const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &b, const ::Ice::Context &context=Ice::noExplicitContext)
 Downcasts a proxy after confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation. More...
template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr< P > checkedCast (const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &b, const std::string &f, const ::Ice::Context &context=Ice::noExplicitContext)
 Downcasts a proxy after confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation. More...
template<typename charT >
::std::shared_ptr< IceUtil::BasicStringConverter< charT > > createIconvStringConverter (const std::string &internalCodeWithDefault="")
 Creates a string converter for the given code. More...
PropertiesPtr createProperties ()
 Creates a new empty property set. More...
PropertiesPtr createProperties (int &argc, char *argv[], const PropertiesPtr &defaults=0)
 Creates a property set initialized from command-line arguments and a default property set. More...
PropertiesPtr createProperties (int &argc, const char *argv[], const PropertiesPtr &defaults=0)
 Creates a property set initialized from command-line arguments and a default property set. More...
PropertiesPtr createProperties (StringSeq &seq, const PropertiesPtr &defaults=0)
 Creates a property set initialized from command-line arguments and a default property set. More...
inline ::std::string encodingVersionToString (const Ice::EncodingVersion &v)
 Converts an encoding version into a string. More...
LoggerPtr getProcessLogger ()
 Obtains the per-process logger. More...
 ICE_DEFINE_PTR (NativePropertiesAdminPtr, NativePropertiesAdmin)
std::string identityToString (const Identity &id, ToStringMode mode=ToStringMode ::Unicode)
 Converts an Identity structure into a string using the specified mode. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (const InitializationData &initData=InitializationData(), int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (const std::string &configFile, int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (int &argc, char *argv[], const InitializationData &initData=InitializationData(), int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (int &argc, char *argv[], const std::string &configFile, int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (int &argc, const char *argv[], const InitializationData &initData=InitializationData(), int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (int &argc, const char *argv[], const std::string &configFile, int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (StringSeq &seq, const InitializationData &initData=InitializationData(), int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
CommunicatorPtr initialize (StringSeq &seq, const std::string &configFile, int version=30710)
 Initializes a new communicator. More...
template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool operator!= (const C &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Relational operator for generated structs and classes. More...
bool operator!= (const ObjectPrx &lhs, const ObjectPrx &rhs)
template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool operator< (const C &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Relational operator for generated structs and classes. More...
::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const ::Ice::ObjectPrx &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EncodingVersion &version)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ProtocolVersion &version)
template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool operator<= (const C &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Relational operator for generated structs and classes. More...
bool operator<= (const ObjectPrx &lhs, const ObjectPrx &rhs)
template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool operator== (const C &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Relational operator for generated structs and classes. More...
template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool operator> (const C &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Relational operator for generated structs and classes. More...
bool operator> (const ObjectPrx &lhs, const ObjectPrx &rhs)
template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool operator>= (const C &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Relational operator for generated structs and classes. More...
bool operator>= (const ObjectPrx &lhs, const ObjectPrx &rhs)
inline ::std::string protocolVersionToString (const Ice::ProtocolVersion &v)
 Converts a protocol version into a string. More...
bool proxyIdentityAndFacetEqual (const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &lhs, const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &rhs)
 Compares the object identities and facets of two proxies. More...
bool proxyIdentityAndFacetLess (const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &lhs, const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &rhs)
 Compares the object identities and facets of two proxies. More...
bool proxyIdentityEqual (const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &lhs, const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &rhs)
 Compares the object identities of two proxies. More...
bool proxyIdentityLess (const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &lhs, const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &rhs)
 Compares the object identities of two proxies. More...
void registerIceBT (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the IceBT plug-in is linked with the application. More...
void registerIceDiscovery (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the IceDiscovery plug-in is linked with the application. More...
void registerIceLocatorDiscovery (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the IceLocatorDiscovery plug-in is linked with the application. More...
void registerIceSSL (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the SSL transport is linked with the application. More...
void registerIceStringConverter (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the string converter plug-in is linked with the application. More...
void registerIceUDP (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the UDP transport is linked with the application. More...
void registerIceWS (bool loadOnInitialize=true)
 When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the WebSocket transport is linked with the application. More...
void registerPluginFactory (const std::string &name, PluginFactory factory, bool loadOnInit)
 Manually registers a plug-in factory function. More...
void setProcessLogger (const LoggerPtr &logger)
 Sets the per-process logger. More...
ICE_API SliceChecksumDict sliceChecksums ()
 Obtains the map containing the checksums for Slice definitions. More...
void stringSeqToArgs (const StringSeq &seq, int &argc, char *argv[])
 Updates the argument vector to match the contents of the string sequence. More...
void stringSeqToArgs (const StringSeq &seq, int &argc, const char *argv[])
 Updates the argument vector to match the contents of the string sequence. More...
inline ::Ice::EncodingVersion stringToEncodingVersion (const ::std::string &v)
 Converts a string into an encoding version. More...
Identity stringToIdentity (const std::string &str)
 Converts a stringified identity into an Identity. More...
inline ::Ice::ProtocolVersion stringToProtocolVersion (const ::std::string &v)
 Converts a string into a protocol version. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool targetEqualTo (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the contents of two smart pointers. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool targetGreater (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the contents of two smart pointers. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool targetGreaterEqual (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the contents of two smart pointers. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool targetLess (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the contents of two smart pointers. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool targetLessEqual (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the contents of two smart pointers. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool targetNotEqualTo (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares the contents of two smart pointers. More...
template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr< P > uncheckedCast (const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &b)
 Downcasts a proxy without confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation. More...
template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr< P > uncheckedCast (const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &b, const std::string &f)
 Downcasts a proxy without confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation. More...
IceUtil::SharedupCast (::Ice::LocalObject *)


constexpr short BTEndpointType = 6
 Uniquely identifies Bluetooth endpoints. More...
constexpr short BTSEndpointType = 7
 Uniquely identifies SSL Bluetooth endpoints. More...
const EncodingVersion currentEncoding
 Identifies the latest encoding version. More...
const ProtocolVersion currentProtocol
 Identifies the latest protocol version. More...
const EncodingVersion currentProtocolEncoding
 Identifies the latest protocol encoding version. More...
const Current emptyCurrent
 A default-initialized Current instance. More...
const EncodingVersion Encoding_1_0
 Identifies encoding version 1.0. More...
const EncodingVersion Encoding_1_1
 Identifies encoding version 1.1. More...
constexpr short iAPEndpointType = 8
 Uniquely identifies iAP-based endpoints. More...
constexpr short iAPSEndpointType = 9
 Uniquely identifies SSL iAP-based endpoints. More...
const Context noExplicitContext
 Marker value used to indicate that no explicit context was passed to a proxy invocation. More...
const ProtocolVersion Protocol_1_0
 Identifies protocol version 1.0. More...
constexpr short SSLEndpointType = 2
 Uniquely identifies SSL endpoints. More...
constexpr short TCPEndpointType = 1
 Uniquely identifies TCP endpoints. More...
constexpr short UDPEndpointType = 3
 Uniquely identifies UDP endpoints. More...
constexpr short WSEndpointType = 4
 Uniquely identifies TCP-based WebSocket endpoints. More...
constexpr short WSSEndpointType = 5
 Uniquely identifies SSL-based WebSocket endpoints. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ bad_optional_access

using Ice::bad_optional_access = typedef std::experimental::Ice::bad_optional_access

Raised when accessing an optional that doesn't contain a value.

◆ BasicStringConverter

template<typename charT >
using Ice::BasicStringConverter = typedef IceUtil::BasicStringConverter<charT>

Base class for a string converter.

◆ BoolSeq

using Ice::BoolSeq = typedef ::std::vector<bool>

A sequence of bools.

◆ Byte

typedef unsigned char Ice::Byte

The mapping for the Slice byte type.

◆ ByteSeq

using Ice::ByteSeq = typedef ::std::vector<Byte>

A sequence of bytes.

◆ CloseCallback

using Ice::CloseCallback = typedef ::std::function<void(const ::std::shared_ptr<Connection>& con)>

This method is called by the the connection when the connection is closed.

If the callback needs more information about the closure, it can call Connection#throwException.

conThe connection that closed.

◆ CompactIdResolverPtr

◆ Context

using Ice::Context = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string>

A request context.

Context is used to transmit metadata about a request from the server to the client, such as Quality-of-Service (QoS) parameters. Each operation on the client has a Context as its implicit final parameter.

◆ DispatchInterceptorPtr

using Ice::DispatchInterceptorPtr = typedef ::std::shared_ptr< DispatchInterceptor >

◆ Double

typedef double Ice::Double

The mapping for the Slice double type.

◆ DoubleSeq

using Ice::DoubleSeq = typedef ::std::vector<double>

A sequence of doubles.

◆ EndpointSeq

using Ice::EndpointSeq = typedef ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> >

A sequence of endpoints.

◆ Error

Flushes output to Logger::error.

◆ Exception

◆ FacetMap

using Ice::FacetMap = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::shared_ptr<Object> >

A mapping from facet name to servant.

◆ Float

typedef float Ice::Float

The mapping for the Slice float type.

◆ FloatSeq

using Ice::FloatSeq = typedef ::std::vector<float>

A sequence of floats.

◆ HeaderDict

using Ice::HeaderDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string>

A collection of HTTP headers.

◆ HeartbeatCallback

using Ice::HeartbeatCallback = typedef ::std::function<void(const ::std::shared_ptr<Connection>& con)>

This method is called by the the connection when a heartbeat is received from the peer.

conThe connection on which a heartbeat was received.

◆ IdentitySeq

using Ice::IdentitySeq = typedef ::std::vector<Identity>

A sequence of identities.

◆ IllegalConversionException

Indicates an error occurred during string conversion.

◆ in_place_t

using Ice::in_place_t = typedef std::experimental::Ice::in_place_t

This type indicates that an optional value should be constructed in place.

◆ Int

typedef int Ice::Int

The mapping for the Slice int type.

◆ IntSeq

using Ice::IntSeq = typedef ::std::vector<int>

A sequence of ints.

◆ LocalObjectPtr

typedef IceInternal::Handle< LocalObject > Ice::LocalObjectPtr

◆ LogMessageSeq

using Ice::LogMessageSeq = typedef std::list<LogMessage>

A sequence of LogMessage.

◆ LogMessageTypeSeq

using Ice::LogMessageTypeSeq = typedef ::std::vector<LogMessageType>

A sequence of LogMessageType.

◆ Long

typedef long long int Ice::Long

The mapping for the Slice long type.

◆ LongSeq

using Ice::LongSeq = typedef ::std::vector<long long int>

A sequence of longs.

◆ nullopt_t

using Ice::nullopt_t = typedef std::experimental::Ice::nullopt_t

This type indicates that no value is provided.

◆ ObjectDict

using Ice::ObjectDict = typedef ::std::map<Identity, ::std::shared_ptr<Object> >

A mapping between identities and Ice objects.

◆ ObjectProxySeq

using Ice::ObjectProxySeq = typedef ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<ObjectPrx> >

A sequence of object proxies.

◆ ObjectSeq

using Ice::ObjectSeq = typedef ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<Value> >

A sequence of objects.

◆ optional

template<class T >
using Ice::optional = typedef std::experimental::Ice::optional<T>

Ice::optional is a placeholder for std::optional.

Refer to for more information.

◆ PluginFactory

typedef Ice::Plugin*(* Ice::PluginFactory) (const ::Ice::CommunicatorPtr &communicator, const std::string &name, const ::Ice::StringSeq &args)

A plug-in factory function is responsible for creating an Ice plug-in.

communicatorThe communicator in which the plug-in will be installed.
nameThe name assigned to the plug-in.
argsAdditional arguments included in the plug-in's configuration.
The new plug-in object. Returning nil will cause the run time to raise PluginInitializationException.

◆ Print

Flushes output to Logger::print.

◆ PropertyDict

using Ice::PropertyDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string>

A simple collection of properties, represented as a dictionary of key/value pairs.

Both key and value are strings.

See also

◆ Short

typedef short Ice::Short

The mapping for the Slice short type.

◆ ShortSeq

using Ice::ShortSeq = typedef ::std::vector<short>

A sequence of shorts.

◆ SliceChecksumDict

using Ice::SliceChecksumDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string>

A mapping from type IDs to Slice checksums.

The dictionary allows verification at run time that client and server use matching Slice definitions.

◆ SliceInfoSeq

typedef ::std::vector<SliceInfoPtr> Ice::SliceInfoSeq

The slices of unknown types.

◆ StringConverter

Narrow string converter.

◆ StringConverterPtr

◆ StringSeq

using Ice::StringSeq = typedef ::std::vector<::std::string>

A sequence of strings.

◆ ThreadNotificationPtr

◆ UserExceptionFactory

using Ice::UserExceptionFactory = typedef std::function<void(const std::string&)>

Creates and throws a user exception.

◆ UTF8Buffer

Encapsulates bytes in the UTF-8 encoding.

◆ ValueFactory

using Ice::ValueFactory = typedef ::std::function<::std::shared_ptr<Value>(const ::std::string& type)>

Create a new value for a given value type.

The type is the absolute Slice type id, i.e., the id relative to the unnamed top-level Slice module. For example, the absolute Slice type id for an interface Bar in the module Foo is "::Foo::Bar".

Note that the leading "<code>::</code>" is required.

typeThe value type.
The value created for the given type, or nil if the factory is unable to create the value.

◆ Warning

Flushes output to Logger::warning.

◆ WstringConverter

Wide string converter.

◆ WstringConverterPtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ACMClose

enum Ice::ACMClose : unsigned char

Specifies the close semantics for Active Connection Management.


Disables automatic connection closure.


Gracefully closes a connection that has been idle for the configured timeout period.


Forcefully closes a connection that has been idle for the configured timeout period, but only if the connection has pending invocations.


Combines the behaviors of CloseOnIdle and CloseOnInvocation.


Forcefully closes a connection that has been idle for the configured timeout period, regardless of whether the connection has pending invocations or dispatch.

◆ ACMHeartbeat

enum Ice::ACMHeartbeat : unsigned char

Specifies the heartbeat semantics for Active Connection Management.


Disables heartbeats.


Send a heartbeat at regular intervals if the connection is idle and only if there are pending dispatch.


Send a heartbeat at regular intervals when the connection is idle.


Send a heartbeat at regular intervals until the connection is closed.

◆ CompressBatch

enum Ice::CompressBatch : unsigned char

The batch compression option when flushing queued batch requests.


Compress the batch requests.


Don't compress the batch requests.


Compress the batch requests if at least one request was made on a compressed proxy.

◆ ConnectionClose

enum Ice::ConnectionClose : unsigned char

Determines the behavior when manually closing a connection.


Close the connection immediately without sending a close connection protocol message to the peer and waiting for the peer to acknowledge it.


Close the connection by notifying the peer but do not wait for pending outgoing invocations to complete.

On the server side, the connection will not be closed until all incoming invocations have completed.


Wait for all pending invocations to complete before closing the connection.

◆ EndpointSelectionType

enum Ice::EndpointSelectionType : unsigned char

Determines the order in which the Ice run time uses the endpoints in a proxy when establishing a connection.


Random causes the endpoints to be arranged in a random order.


Ordered forces the Ice run time to use the endpoints in the order they appeared in the proxy.

◆ FormatType

enum Ice::FormatType : unsigned char

Describes the possible formats for classes and exceptions.


Indicates that no preference was specified.


A minimal format that eliminates the possibility for slicing unrecognized types.


Allow slicing and preserve slices for unknown types.

◆ LogMessageType

enum Ice::LogMessageType : unsigned char

An enumeration representing the different types of log messages.


The Logger received a print message.


The Logger received a trace message.


The Logger received a warning message.


The Logger received an error message.

◆ OperationMode

enum Ice::OperationMode : unsigned char

Determines the retry behavior an invocation in case of a (potentially) recoverable error.


Ordinary operations have Normal mode.

These operations modify object state; invoking such an operation twice in a row has different semantics than invoking it once. The Ice run time guarantees that it will not violate at-most-once semantics for Normal operations.


Operations that use the Slice nonmutating keyword must not modify object state.

For C++, nonmutating operations generate const member functions in the skeleton. In addition, the Ice run time will attempt to transparently recover from certain run-time errors by re-issuing a failed request and propagate the failure to the application only if the second attempt fails.

Nonmutating is deprecated; Use the idempotent keyword instead. For C++, to retain the mapping of nonmutating operations to C++ const member functions, use the ["cpp:const"] metadata directive.


Operations that use the Slice idempotent keyword can modify object state, but invoking an operation twice in a row must result in the same object state as invoking it once.

For example, x = 1 is an idempotent statement, whereas x += 1 is not. For idempotent operations, the Ice run-time uses the same retry behavior as for nonmutating operations in case of a potentially recoverable error.

◆ SignalPolicy

enum Ice::SignalPolicy : unsigned char

Determines how the Application class handles signals.


Enables signal handling.


Disables signal handling, meaning signals retain their default behavior.

◆ ToStringMode

enum Ice::ToStringMode : unsigned char

The output mode for xxxToString method such as identityToString and proxyToString.

The actual encoding format for the string is the same for all modes: you don't need to specify an encoding format or mode when reading such a string.


Characters with ordinal values greater than 127 are kept as-is in the resulting string.

Non-printable ASCII characters with ordinal values 127 and below are encoded as \t, \n (etc.) or \unnnn.


Characters with ordinal values greater than 127 are encoded as universal character names in the resulting string: \unnnn for BMP characters and \Unnnnnnnn for non-BMP characters.

Non-printable ASCII characters with ordinal values 127 and below are encoded as \t, \n (etc.) or \unnnn.


Characters with ordinal values greater than 127 are encoded as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes using octal escapes.

Characters with ordinal values 127 and below are encoded as \t, \n (etc.) or an octal escape. Use this mode to generate strings compatible with Ice 3.6 and earlier.

Function Documentation

◆ argsToStringSeq()

StringSeq Ice::argsToStringSeq ( int  argc,
const char *const  argv[] 

Converts an argument vector into a string sequence.

argcThe number of arguments in argv.
argvThe arguments.
A string sequence containing the arguments.

◆ checkedCast() [1/2]

template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr<P> Ice::checkedCast ( const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &  b,
const ::Ice::Context context = Ice::noExplicitContext 

Downcasts a proxy after confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation.

bThe target proxy.
contextThe context map for the invocation.
A proxy with the requested type, or nil if the target proxy is nil or the target object does not support the requested type.

◆ checkedCast() [2/2]

template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr<P> Ice::checkedCast ( const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &  b,
const std::string &  f,
const ::Ice::Context context = Ice::noExplicitContext 

Downcasts a proxy after confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation.

bThe target proxy.
fA facet name.
contextThe context map for the invocation.
A proxy with the requested type and facet, or nil if the target proxy is nil or the target object does not support the requested type.

◆ createIconvStringConverter()

template<typename charT >
::std::shared_ptr<IceUtil::BasicStringConverter<charT> > Ice::createIconvStringConverter ( const std::string &  internalCodeWithDefault = "")

Creates a string converter for the given code.

internalCodeWithDefaultThe desired code. If empty or not provided, a default code is used.
The converter object.
IconvInitializationExceptionIf the code is not supported.

◆ createProperties() [1/4]

PropertiesPtr Ice::createProperties ( )

Creates a new empty property set.

A new empty property set.

◆ createProperties() [2/4]

PropertiesPtr Ice::createProperties ( int &  argc,
char *  argv[],
const PropertiesPtr &  defaults = 0 

Creates a property set initialized from command-line arguments and a default property set.

argcThe number of arguments in argv. Upon return, this argument is updated to reflect the arguments still remaining in argv.
argvCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this vector upon return.
defaultsDefault values for the property set. Settings in configuration files and the arguments override these defaults.
A new property set initialized with the property settings that were removed from the argument vector.

◆ createProperties() [3/4]

PropertiesPtr Ice::createProperties ( int &  argc,
const char *  argv[],
const PropertiesPtr &  defaults = 0 

Creates a property set initialized from command-line arguments and a default property set.

argcThe number of arguments in argv. Upon return, this argument is updated to reflect the arguments still remaining in argv.
argvCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this vector upon return.
defaultsDefault values for the property set. Settings in configuration files and the arguments override these defaults.
A new property set initialized with the property settings that were removed from the argument vector.

◆ createProperties() [4/4]

PropertiesPtr Ice::createProperties ( StringSeq seq,
const PropertiesPtr &  defaults = 0 

Creates a property set initialized from command-line arguments and a default property set.

seqCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this container upon return.
defaultsDefault values for the property set. Settings in configuration files and the arguments override these defaults.
A new property set initialized with the property settings that were removed from the argument vector.

◆ encodingVersionToString()

inline ::std::string Ice::encodingVersionToString ( const Ice::EncodingVersion v)

Converts an encoding version into a string.

vThe encoding version.
A string representing the encoding version.

◆ getProcessLogger()

LoggerPtr Ice::getProcessLogger ( )

Obtains the per-process logger.

This logger is used by all communicators that do not have their own specific logger established at the time a communicator is created.

The current per-process logger instance.


Ice::ICE_DEFINE_PTR ( NativePropertiesAdminPtr  ,

◆ identityToString()

std::string Ice::identityToString ( const Identity id,
ToStringMode  mode = ToStringMode ::Unicode 

Converts an Identity structure into a string using the specified mode.

idThe identity structure.
modeAffects the handling of non-ASCII characters and non-printable ASCII characters.
The stringified identity.

◆ initialize() [1/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( const InitializationData initData = InitializationData(),
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

initDataConfiguration data for the new Communicator.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [2/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( const std::string &  configFile,
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

configFileThe name of an Ice configuration file.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [3/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( int &  argc,
char *  argv[],
const InitializationData initData = InitializationData(),
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

argcThe number of arguments in argv. Upon return, this argument is updated to reflect the arguments still remaining in argv.
argvCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this vector upon return.
initDataConfiguration data for the new Communicator.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [4/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( int &  argc,
char *  argv[],
const std::string &  configFile,
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

argcThe number of arguments in argv. Upon return, this argument is updated to reflect the arguments still remaining in argv.
argvCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this vector upon return.
configFileThe name of an Ice configuration file.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [5/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( int &  argc,
const char *  argv[],
const InitializationData initData = InitializationData(),
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

argcThe number of arguments in argv. Upon return, this argument is updated to reflect the arguments still remaining in argv.
argvCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this vector upon return.
initDataConfiguration data for the new Communicator.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [6/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( int &  argc,
const char *  argv[],
const std::string &  configFile,
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

argcThe number of arguments in argv. Upon return, this argument is updated to reflect the arguments still remaining in argv.
argvCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this vector upon return.
configFileThe name of an Ice configuration file.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [7/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( StringSeq seq,
const InitializationData initData = InitializationData(),
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

seqCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this container upon return.
initDataConfiguration data for the new Communicator.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ initialize() [8/8]

CommunicatorPtr Ice::initialize ( StringSeq seq,
const std::string &  configFile,
int  version = 30710 

Initializes a new communicator.

seqCommand-line arguments, possibly containing options to set properties. If the arguments include a –Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration file and in the arguments, the arguments take precedence. Recognized options are removed from this container upon return.
configFileThe name of an Ice configuration file.
versionIndicates the Ice version with which the application is compatible. If not specified, the version of the Ice installation is used.
The new communicator.

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool Ice::operator!= ( const C &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Relational operator for generated structs and classes.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side is not equal to the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

bool Ice::operator!= ( const ObjectPrx lhs,
const ObjectPrx rhs 

◆ operator<()

template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool Ice::operator< ( const C &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Relational operator for generated structs and classes.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares less than the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

::std::ostream& Ice::operator<< ( ::std::ostream &  ,
const ::Ice::ObjectPrx  

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

std::ostream& Ice::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const EncodingVersion version 

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

std::ostream& Ice::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ProtocolVersion version 

◆ operator<=() [1/2]

template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool Ice::operator<= ( const C &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Relational operator for generated structs and classes.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares less than or equal to the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ operator<=() [2/2]

bool Ice::operator<= ( const ObjectPrx lhs,
const ObjectPrx rhs 

◆ operator==()

template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool Ice::operator== ( const C &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Relational operator for generated structs and classes.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares equal to the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ operator>() [1/2]

template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool Ice::operator> ( const C &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Relational operator for generated structs and classes.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares greater than the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ operator>() [2/2]

bool Ice::operator> ( const ObjectPrx lhs,
const ObjectPrx rhs 

◆ operator>=() [1/2]

template<class C , typename = std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&C::ice_tuple)>::value>>
bool Ice::operator>= ( const C &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Relational operator for generated structs and classes.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares greater than or equal to the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ operator>=() [2/2]

bool Ice::operator>= ( const ObjectPrx lhs,
const ObjectPrx rhs 

◆ protocolVersionToString()

inline ::std::string Ice::protocolVersionToString ( const Ice::ProtocolVersion v)

Converts a protocol version into a string.

vThe protocol version.
A string representing the protocol version.

◆ proxyIdentityAndFacetEqual()

bool Ice::proxyIdentityAndFacetEqual ( const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  lhs,
const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  rhs 

Compares the object identities and facets of two proxies.

lhsA proxy.
rhsA proxy.
True if the identity and facet in lhs compare equal to the identity and facet in rhs, false otherwise.

◆ proxyIdentityAndFacetLess()

bool Ice::proxyIdentityAndFacetLess ( const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  lhs,
const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  rhs 

Compares the object identities and facets of two proxies.

lhsA proxy.
rhsA proxy.
True if the identity and facet in lhs compare less than the identity and facet in rhs, false otherwise.

◆ proxyIdentityEqual()

bool Ice::proxyIdentityEqual ( const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  lhs,
const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  rhs 

Compares the object identities of two proxies.

lhsA proxy.
rhsA proxy.
True if the identity in lhs compares equal to the identity in rhs, false otherwise.

◆ proxyIdentityLess()

bool Ice::proxyIdentityLess ( const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  lhs,
const ::std::shared_ptr< ObjectPrx > &  rhs 

Compares the object identities of two proxies.

lhsA proxy.
rhsA proxy.
True if the identity in lhs compares less than the identity in rhs, false otherwise.

◆ registerIceBT()

void Ice::registerIceBT ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the IceBT plug-in is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerIceDiscovery()

void Ice::registerIceDiscovery ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the IceDiscovery plug-in is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerIceLocatorDiscovery()

void Ice::registerIceLocatorDiscovery ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the IceLocatorDiscovery plug-in is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerIceSSL()

void Ice::registerIceSSL ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the SSL transport is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerIceStringConverter()

void Ice::registerIceStringConverter ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the string converter plug-in is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerIceUDP()

void Ice::registerIceUDP ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the UDP transport is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerIceWS()

void Ice::registerIceWS ( bool  loadOnInitialize = true)

When using static libraries, calling this function ensures the WebSocket transport is linked with the application.

loadOnInitializeIf true, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communicator initialization. If false, the plug-in is only loaded during communicator initialization if its corresponding plug-in property is set to 1.

◆ registerPluginFactory()

void Ice::registerPluginFactory ( const std::string &  name,
PluginFactory  factory,
bool  loadOnInit 

Manually registers a plug-in factory function.

nameThe name assigned to the plug-in.
factoryThe factory function.
loadOnInitIf true, the plug-in is always loaded (created) during communicator initialization, even if is not set. When false, the plug-in is loaded (created) during communication initialization only if is set to a non-empty value (e.g.: Ice.Plugin.IceSSL=1).

◆ setProcessLogger()

void Ice::setProcessLogger ( const LoggerPtr &  logger)

Sets the per-process logger.

This logger is used by all communicators that do not have their own specific logger established at the time a communicator is created.

loggerThe new per-process logger instance.

◆ sliceChecksums()

ICE_API SliceChecksumDict Ice::sliceChecksums ( )

Obtains the map containing the checksums for Slice definitions.

The checksum map.

◆ stringSeqToArgs() [1/2]

void Ice::stringSeqToArgs ( const StringSeq seq,
int &  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Updates the argument vector to match the contents of the string sequence.

This function assumes that the string sequence only contains elements of the argument vector. The function shifts the the argument vector elements so that the vector matches the contents of the sequence.

seqThe string sequence returned from a call to argsToStringSeq.
argcUpdated to reflect the size of the sequence.
argvElements are shifted to match the sequence.

◆ stringSeqToArgs() [2/2]

void Ice::stringSeqToArgs ( const StringSeq seq,
int &  argc,
const char *  argv[] 

Updates the argument vector to match the contents of the string sequence.

This function assumes that the string sequence only contains elements of the argument vector. The function shifts the the argument vector elements so that the vector matches the contents of the sequence.

seqThe string sequence returned from a call to argsToStringSeq.
argcUpdated to reflect the size of the sequence.
argvElements are shifted to match the sequence.

◆ stringToEncodingVersion()

inline ::Ice::EncodingVersion Ice::stringToEncodingVersion ( const ::std::string &  v)

Converts a string into an encoding version.

vThe string containing a stringified encoding version.
The encoding version.
VersionParseExceptionIf the given string is not in the X.Y format.

◆ stringToIdentity()

Identity Ice::stringToIdentity ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a stringified identity into an Identity.

strThe stringified identity.
An Identity structure containing the name and category components.

◆ stringToProtocolVersion()

inline ::Ice::ProtocolVersion Ice::stringToProtocolVersion ( const ::std::string &  v)

Converts a string into a protocol version.

vThe string containing a stringified protocol version.
The protocol version.
VersionParseExceptionIf the given string is not in the X.Y format.

◆ targetEqualTo()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool Ice::targetEqualTo ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two smart pointers.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the contents are equal, false otherwise.

◆ targetGreater()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool Ice::targetGreater ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two smart pointers.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares greater than the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ targetGreaterEqual()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool Ice::targetGreaterEqual ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two smart pointers.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares greater than or equal to the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ targetLess()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool Ice::targetLess ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two smart pointers.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares less than the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ targetLessEqual()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool Ice::targetLessEqual ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two smart pointers.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the left-hand side compares less than or equal to the right-hand side, false otherwise.

◆ targetNotEqualTo()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool Ice::targetNotEqualTo ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two smart pointers.

lhsThe left-hand side.
rhsThe right-hand side.
True if the contents are not equal, false otherwise.

◆ uncheckedCast() [1/2]

template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr<P> Ice::uncheckedCast ( const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &  b)

Downcasts a proxy without confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation.

bThe target proxy.
A proxy with the requested type.

◆ uncheckedCast() [2/2]

template<typename P , typename T , typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, P >::value >::type * = nullptr, typename ::std::enable_if<::std::is_base_of<::Ice::ObjectPrx, T >::value >::type * = nullptr>
::std::shared_ptr<P> Ice::uncheckedCast ( const ::std::shared_ptr< T > &  b,
const std::string &  f 

Downcasts a proxy without confirming the target object's type via a remote invocation.

bThe target proxy.
fA facet name.
A proxy with the requested type and facet.

◆ upCast()

IceUtil::Shared* Ice::upCast ( ::Ice::LocalObject *  )

Variable Documentation

◆ BTEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::BTEndpointType = 6

Uniquely identifies Bluetooth endpoints.

◆ BTSEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::BTSEndpointType = 7

Uniquely identifies SSL Bluetooth endpoints.

◆ currentEncoding

const EncodingVersion Ice::currentEncoding

Identifies the latest encoding version.

◆ currentProtocol

const ProtocolVersion Ice::currentProtocol

Identifies the latest protocol version.

◆ currentProtocolEncoding

const EncodingVersion Ice::currentProtocolEncoding

Identifies the latest protocol encoding version.

◆ emptyCurrent

const Current Ice::emptyCurrent

A default-initialized Current instance.

◆ Encoding_1_0

const EncodingVersion Ice::Encoding_1_0

Identifies encoding version 1.0.

◆ Encoding_1_1

const EncodingVersion Ice::Encoding_1_1

Identifies encoding version 1.1.

◆ iAPEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::iAPEndpointType = 8

Uniquely identifies iAP-based endpoints.

◆ iAPSEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::iAPSEndpointType = 9

Uniquely identifies SSL iAP-based endpoints.

◆ noExplicitContext

const Context Ice::noExplicitContext

Marker value used to indicate that no explicit context was passed to a proxy invocation.

◆ Protocol_1_0

const ProtocolVersion Ice::Protocol_1_0

Identifies protocol version 1.0.

◆ SSLEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::SSLEndpointType = 2

Uniquely identifies SSL endpoints.

◆ TCPEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::TCPEndpointType = 1

Uniquely identifies TCP endpoints.

◆ UDPEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::UDPEndpointType = 3

Uniquely identifies UDP endpoints.

◆ WSEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::WSEndpointType = 4

Uniquely identifies TCP-based WebSocket endpoints.

◆ WSSEndpointType

constexpr short Ice::WSSEndpointType = 5

Uniquely identifies SSL-based WebSocket endpoints.