Ice 3.7 C++98 API Reference
The central object in Ice. More...
#include <Ice/Ice.h>
Public Types | |
typedef CommunicatorPtr | PointerType |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | addAdminFacet (const ObjectPtr &servant, const ::std::string &facet)=0 |
Add a new facet to the Admin object. More... | |
virtual void | addObjectFactory (const ObjectFactoryPtr &factory, const ::std::string &id)=0 |
Add an object factory to this communicator. More... | |
virtual AsyncResultPtr | begin_flushBatchRequests (CompressBatch compress)=0 |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator. More... | |
virtual AsyncResultPtr | begin_flushBatchRequests (CompressBatch compress, const Callback_Communicator_flushBatchRequestsPtr &cb, const LocalObjectPtr &cookie=0)=0 |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator. More... | |
virtual AsyncResultPtr | begin_flushBatchRequests (CompressBatch compress, const CallbackPtr &cb, const LocalObjectPtr &cookie=0)=0 |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator. More... | |
virtual ObjectPrx | createAdmin (const ObjectAdapterPtr &adminAdapter, const Identity &adminId)=0 |
Add the Admin object with all its facets to the provided object adapter. More... | |
virtual ObjectAdapterPtr | createObjectAdapter (const ::std::string &name)=0 |
Create a new object adapter. More... | |
virtual ObjectAdapterPtr | createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints (const ::std::string &name, const ::std::string &endpoints)=0 |
Create a new object adapter with endpoints. More... | |
virtual ObjectAdapterPtr | createObjectAdapterWithRouter (const ::std::string &name, const RouterPrx &rtr)=0 |
Create a new object adapter with a router. More... | |
virtual void | destroy ()=0 throw () |
Destroy the communicator. More... | |
virtual void | end_flushBatchRequests (const AsyncResultPtr &result)=0 |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator. More... | |
virtual ObjectPtr | findAdminFacet (const ::std::string &facet)=0 |
Returns a facet of the Admin object. More... | |
virtual FacetMap | findAllAdminFacets ()=0 |
Returns a map of all facets of the Admin object. More... | |
virtual ObjectFactoryPtr | findObjectFactory (const ::std::string &id) const =0 throw () |
Find an object factory registered with this communicator. More... | |
virtual void | flushBatchRequests (CompressBatch compress)=0 |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator. More... | |
virtual ObjectPrx | getAdmin () const =0 |
Get a proxy to the main facet of the Admin object. More... | |
virtual LocatorPrx | getDefaultLocator () const =0 |
Get the default locator this communicator. More... | |
virtual RouterPrx | getDefaultRouter () const =0 |
Get the default router this communicator. More... | |
virtual ImplicitContextPtr | getImplicitContext () const =0 throw () |
Get the implicit context associated with this communicator. More... | |
virtual LoggerPtr | getLogger () const =0 throw () |
Get the logger for this communicator. More... | |
virtual ::Ice::Instrumentation::CommunicatorObserverPtr | getObserver () const =0 throw () |
Get the observer resolver object for this communicator. More... | |
virtual PluginManagerPtr | getPluginManager () const =0 |
Get the plug-in manager for this communicator. More... | |
virtual PropertiesPtr | getProperties () const =0 throw () |
Get the properties for this communicator. More... | |
virtual ValueFactoryManagerPtr | getValueFactoryManager () const =0 throw () |
Get the value factory manager for this communicator. More... | |
virtual ::std::string | identityToString (const Identity &ident) const =0 |
Convert an identity into a string. More... | |
virtual bool | isShutdown () const =0 throw () |
Check whether communicator has been shut down. More... | |
virtual ObjectPrx | propertyToProxy (const ::std::string &property) const =0 |
Convert a set of proxy properties into a proxy. More... | |
virtual PropertyDict | proxyToProperty (const ObjectPrx &proxy, const ::std::string &property) const =0 |
Convert a proxy to a set of proxy properties. More... | |
virtual ::std::string | proxyToString (const ObjectPrx &obj) const =0 |
Convert a proxy into a string. More... | |
virtual ObjectPtr | removeAdminFacet (const ::std::string &facet)=0 |
Remove the following facet to the Admin object. More... | |
virtual void | setDefaultLocator (const LocatorPrx &loc)=0 |
Set a default Ice locator for this communicator. More... | |
virtual void | setDefaultRouter (const RouterPrx &rtr)=0 |
Set a default router for this communicator. More... | |
virtual void | shutdown ()=0 throw () |
Shuts down this communicator's server functionality, which includes the deactivation of all object adapters. More... | |
virtual Identity | stringToIdentity (const ::std::string &str) const =0 |
Convert a string into an identity. More... | |
virtual ObjectPrx | stringToProxy (const ::std::string &str) const =0 |
Convert a stringified proxy into a proxy. More... | |
virtual void | waitForShutdown ()=0 throw () |
Wait until the application has called shutdown (or destroy). More... | |
virtual | ~Communicator () |
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virtual bool | operator< (const LocalObject &) const |
virtual bool | operator== (const LocalObject &) const |
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void | __clearFlag (unsigned char flag) |
virtual void | __decRef () |
virtual int | __getRef () const |
bool | __hasFlag (unsigned char flag) |
virtual void | __incRef () |
void | __setFlag (unsigned char flag) |
virtual void | __setNoDelete (bool) |
Shared & | operator= (const Shared &) |
Shared () | |
Shared (const Shared &) | |
virtual | ~Shared () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static const unsigned char | NoDelete |
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unsigned char | _flags |
IceUtilInternal::Atomic | _ref |
The central object in Ice.
One or more communicators can be instantiated for an Ice application. Communicator instantiation is language-specific, and not specified in Slice code.
virtual |
pure virtual |
Add a new facet to the Admin object.
Adding a servant with a facet that is already registered throws AlreadyRegisteredException.
servant | The servant that implements the new Admin facet. |
facet | The name of the new Admin facet. |
pure virtual |
Add an object factory to this communicator.
Installing a factory with an id for which a factory is already registered throws AlreadyRegisteredException.
When unmarshaling an Ice object, the Ice run time reads the most-derived type id off the wire and attempts to create an instance of the type using a factory. If no instance is created, either because no factory was found, or because all factories returned nil, the behavior of the Ice run time depends on the format with which the object was marshaled:
If the object uses the "sliced" format, Ice ascends the class hierarchy until it finds a type that is recognized by a factory, or it reaches the least-derived type. If no factory is found that can create an instance, the run time throws NoValueFactoryException.
If the object uses the "compact" format, Ice immediately raises NoValueFactoryException.
The following order is used to locate a factory for a type:
The Ice run-time looks for a factory registered specifically for the type.
If no instance has been created, the Ice run-time looks for the default factory, which is registered with an empty type id.
If no instance has been created by any of the preceding steps, the Ice run-time looks for a factory that may have been statically generated by the language mapping for non-abstract classes.
factory | The factory to add. |
id | The type id for which the factory can create instances, or an empty string for the default factory. |
pure virtual |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator.
This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies for all connections associated with the communicator. Any errors that occur while flushing a connection are ignored.
compress | Specifies whether or not the queued batch requests should be compressed before being sent over the wire. |
pure virtual |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator.
This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies for all connections associated with the communicator. Any errors that occur while flushing a connection are ignored.
compress | Specifies whether or not the queued batch requests should be compressed before being sent over the wire. |
cb | Callback to be invoked when the invocation completes |
cookie | Extra data to associate with the invocation. |
pure virtual |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator.
This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies for all connections associated with the communicator. Any errors that occur while flushing a connection are ignored.
compress | Specifies whether or not the queued batch requests should be compressed before being sent over the wire. |
cb | Callback to be invoked when the invocation completes |
cookie | Extra data to associate with the invocation. |
pure virtual |
Add the Admin object with all its facets to the provided object adapter.
If Ice.Admin.ServerId is set and the provided object adapter has a Locator, createAdmin registers the Admin's Process facet with the Locator's LocatorRegistry.
createAdmin must only be called once; subsequent calls raise InitializationException.
adminAdapter | The object adapter used to host the Admin object; if null and Ice.Admin.Endpoints is set, create, activate and use the Ice.Admin object adapter. |
adminId | The identity of the Admin object. |
pure virtual |
Create a new object adapter.
The endpoints for the object adapter are taken from the property name.Endpoints
It is legal to create an object adapter with the empty string as its name. Such an object adapter is accessible via bidirectional connections or by collocated invocations that originate from the same communicator as is used by the adapter.
Attempts to create a named object adapter for which no configuration can be found raise InitializationException.
name | The object adapter name. |
pure virtual |
Create a new object adapter with endpoints.
This operation sets the property name.Endpoints
, and then calls createObjectAdapter. It is provided as a convenience function.
Calling this operation with an empty name will result in a UUID being generated for the name.
name | The object adapter name. |
endpoints | The endpoints for the object adapter. |
pure virtual |
Create a new object adapter with a router.
This operation creates a routed object adapter.
Calling this operation with an empty name will result in a UUID being generated for the name.
name | The object adapter name. |
rtr | The router. |
pure virtual |
Destroy the communicator.
This operation calls shutdown implicitly. Calling destroy cleans up memory, and shuts down this communicator's client functionality and destroys all object adapters. Subsequent calls to destroy are ignored.
pure virtual |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator.
This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies for all connections associated with the communicator. Any errors that occur while flushing a connection are ignored.
result | The asynchronous result object returned by the begin_ method. |
pure virtual |
Returns a facet of the Admin object.
facet | The name of the Admin facet. |
pure virtual |
Returns a map of all facets of the Admin object.
pure virtual |
Find an object factory registered with this communicator.
id | The type id for which the factory can create instances, or an empty string for the default factory. |
pure virtual |
Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator.
This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies for all connections associated with the communicator. Any errors that occur while flushing a connection are ignored.
compress | Specifies whether or not the queued batch requests should be compressed before being sent over the wire. |
pure virtual |
Get a proxy to the main facet of the Admin object.
getAdmin also creates the Admin object and creates and activates the Ice.Admin object adapter to host this Admin object if Ice.Admin.Enpoints is set. The identity of the Admin object created by getAdmin is {value of Ice.Admin.InstanceName}/admin, or {UUID}/admin when Ice.Admin.InstanceName is not set.
If Ice.Admin.DelayCreation is 0 or not set, getAdmin is called by the communicator initialization, after initialization of all plugins.
pure virtual |
Get the default locator this communicator.
pure virtual |
Get the default router this communicator.
pure virtual |
Get the implicit context associated with this communicator.
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Get the observer resolver object for this communicator.
pure virtual |
Get the plug-in manager for this communicator.
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Get the value factory manager for this communicator.
pure virtual |
Convert an identity into a string.
ident | The identity to convert into a string. |
pure virtual |
Check whether communicator has been shut down.
pure virtual |
Convert a set of proxy properties into a proxy.
The "base" name supplied in the property
argument refers to a property containing a stringified proxy, such as MyProxy=id:tcp -h localhost -p 10000
. Additional properties configure local settings for the proxy, such as MyProxy.PreferSecure=1
. The "Properties" appendix in the Ice manual describes each of the supported proxy properties.
property | The base property name. |
pure virtual |
Convert a proxy to a set of proxy properties.
proxy | The proxy. |
property | The base property name. |
pure virtual |
Convert a proxy into a string.
obj | The proxy to convert into a stringified proxy. |
is nil.
pure virtual |
Remove the following facet to the Admin object.
Removing a facet that was not previously registered throws NotRegisteredException.
facet | The name of the Admin facet. |
pure virtual |
Set a default Ice locator for this communicator.
All newly created proxy and object adapters will use this default locator. To disable the default locator, null can be used. Note that this operation has no effect on existing proxies or object adapters.
You can also set a locator for an individual proxy by calling the operation ice_locator
on the proxy, or for an object adapter by calling ObjectAdapter#setLocator on the object adapter.
loc | The default locator to use for this communicator. |
pure virtual |
Set a default router for this communicator.
All newly created proxies will use this default router. To disable the default router, null can be used. Note that this operation has no effect on existing proxies.
You can also set a router for an individual proxy by calling the operation ice_router
on the proxy.
rtr | The default router to use for this communicator. |
pure virtual |
Shuts down this communicator's server functionality, which includes the deactivation of all object adapters.
Attempts to use a deactivated object adapter raise ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException. Subsequent calls to shutdown are ignored.
After shutdown returns, no new requests are processed. However, requests that have been started before shutdown was called might still be active. You can use waitForShutdown to wait for the completion of all requests.
pure virtual |
Convert a string into an identity.
If the string does not parse correctly, the operation throws IdentityParseException.
str | The string to convert into an identity. |
pure virtual |
Convert a stringified proxy into a proxy.
For example, MyCategory/MyObject:tcp -h some_host -p 10000
creates a proxy that refers to the Ice object having an identity with a name "MyObject" and a category "MyCategory", with the server running on host "some_host", port 10000. If the stringified proxy does not parse correctly, the operation throws one of ProxyParseException, EndpointParseException, or IdentityParseException. Refer to the Ice manual for a detailed description of the syntax supported by stringified proxies.
str | The stringified proxy to convert into a proxy. |
is an empty string.
pure virtual |
Wait until the application has called shutdown (or destroy).
On the server side, this operation blocks the calling thread until all currently-executing operations have completed. On the client side, the operation simply blocks until another thread has called shutdown or destroy.
A typical use of this operation is to call it from the main thread, which then waits until some other thread calls shutdown. After shut-down is complete, the main thread returns and can do some cleanup work before it finally calls destroy to shut down the client functionality, and then exits the application.