Package com.zeroc.Ice

Interface Blobject

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Blobject extends Object
Base class for dynamic dispatch servants. A server application derives a concrete servant class from Blobject that implements the ice_invoke(byte[], com.zeroc.Ice.Current) method.
  • Method Details

    • ice_invoke

      Object.Ice_invokeResult ice_invoke(byte[] inEncaps, Current current) throws UserException
      Dispatch an incoming request.
      inEncaps - The encoded in-parameters for the operation.
      current - The Current object to pass to the operation.
      The method returns an instance of Ice_invokeResult. If the operation completed successfully, set the returnValue member to true and the outParams member to the encoded results. If the operation raises a user exception, you can either throw it directly or set the returnValue member to false and the outParams member to the encoded user exception. If the operation raises an Ice run-time exception, it must throw it directly.
      UserException - A user exception can be raised directly and the run time will marshal it.