Package com.zeroc.Ice

Interface BlobjectAsync

All Superinterfaces:

public interface BlobjectAsync extends Object
BlobjectAsync is the base class for asynchronous dynamic dispatch servants. A server application derives a concrete servant class that implements the ice_invokeAsync(byte[], com.zeroc.Ice.Current) method, which is called by the Ice run time to deliver every request on this object.
  • Method Details

    • ice_invokeAsync

      CompletionStage<Object.Ice_invokeResult> ice_invokeAsync(byte[] inEncaps, Current current) throws UserException
      Dispatch an incoming request.
      inEncaps - The encoded input parameters.
      current - The Current object, which provides important information about the request, such as the identity of the target object and the name of the operation.
      A completion stage that eventually completes with the result of the invocation, an instance of Ice_invokeResult. If the operation completed successfully, set the returnValue member to true and the outParams member to the encoded results. If the operation raises a user exception, you can throw it directly from ice_invokeAsync, or complete the future by setting the returnValue member to false and the outParams member to the encoded user exception.
      UserException - A user exception raised by this method will be marshaled as the result of the invocation.