Package com.zeroc.Ice

Interface LoggerAdmin

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LoggerAdmin extends Object
The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator.
  • Method Details

    • attachRemoteLogger

      void attachRemoteLogger(RemoteLoggerPrx prx, LogMessageType[] messageTypes, String[] traceCategories, int messageMax, Current current) throws RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException
      Attaches a RemoteLogger object to the local logger. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
      prx - A proxy to the remote logger.
      messageTypes - The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
      traceCategories - The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
      messageMax - The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided to init. A negative value requests all messages available.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException - Raised if this remote logger is already attached to this admin object.
    • detachRemoteLogger

      boolean detachRemoteLogger(RemoteLoggerPrx prx, Current current)
      Detaches a RemoteLogger object from the local logger.
      prx - A proxy to the remote logger.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      True if the provided remote logger proxy was detached, and false otherwise.
    • getLog

      LoggerAdmin.GetLogResult getLog(LogMessageType[] messageTypes, String[] traceCategories, int messageMax, Current current)
      Retrieves log messages recently logged.
      messageTypes - The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
      traceCategories - The categories of traces that caller wish to receive. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
      messageMax - The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned. A negative value requests all messages available.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An instance of LoggerAdmin.GetLogResult.
    • ice_ids

      default String[] ice_ids(Current current)
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
      Specified by:
      ice_ids in interface Object
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object, in base-to-derived order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.
    • ice_id

      default String ice_id(Current current)
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
      Specified by:
      ice_id in interface Object
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.
    • ice_staticId

      static String ice_staticId()
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type ID of the interface supported by this object.
      The return value is always ::Ice::Object.