Package com.zeroc.Ice

Interface PropertiesAdmin

All Superinterfaces:

public interface PropertiesAdmin extends Object
The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties of a communicator.
  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      String getProperty(String key, Current current)
      Get a property by key. If the property is not set, an empty string is returned.
      key - The property key.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The property value.
    • getPropertiesForPrefix

      Map<String,String> getPropertiesForPrefix(String prefix, Current current)
      Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix. If prefix is an empty string then all properties are returned.
      prefix - The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The matching property set.
    • setProperties

      void setProperties(Map<String,String> newProperties, Current current)
      Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
      newProperties - Properties to be added, changed, or removed. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property, that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are retained with their original values.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
    • ice_ids

      default String[] ice_ids(Current current)
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
      Specified by:
      ice_ids in interface Object
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object, in base-to-derived order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.
    • ice_id

      default String ice_id(Current current)
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
      Specified by:
      ice_id in interface Object
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.
    • ice_staticId

      static String ice_staticId()
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type ID of the interface supported by this object.
      The return value is always ::Ice::Object.