Interface AdminSession

All Superinterfaces:
Object, Session

public interface AdminSession extends Session
Used by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry. Admin sessions are created either via the Registry object or via the registry admin SessionManager object.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • keepAlive

      void keepAlive(Current current)
      Keep the session alive. Clients should call this operation regularly to prevent the server from reaping the session.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      See Also:
    • getAdmin

      AdminPrx getAdmin(Current current)
      Get the admin interface. The admin object returned by this operation can only be accessed by the session.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The admin interface proxy.
    • getAdminCallbackTemplate

      ObjectPrx getAdminCallbackTemplate(Current current)
      Get a "template" proxy for admin callback objects. An Admin client uses this proxy to set the category of its callback objects, and the published endpoints of the object adapter hosting the admin callback objects.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      A template proxy. The returned proxy is null when the Admin session was established using Glacier2.
    • setObservers

      void setObservers(RegistryObserverPrx registryObs, NodeObserverPrx nodeObs, ApplicationObserverPrx appObs, AdapterObserverPrx adptObs, ObjectObserverPrx objObs, Current current) throws ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
      Set the observer proxies that receive notifications when the state of the registry or nodes changes.
      registryObs - The registry observer.
      nodeObs - The node observer.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException - Raised if an observer is already registered with this registry.
    • setObserversByIdentity

      void setObserversByIdentity(Identity registryObs, Identity nodeObs, Identity appObs, Identity adptObs, Identity objObs, Current current) throws ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
      Set the observer identities that receive notifications the state of the registry or nodes changes. This operation should be used by clients that are using a bidirectional connection to communicate with the session.
      registryObs - The registry observer identity.
      nodeObs - The node observer identity.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException - Raised if an observer is already registered with this registry.
    • startUpdate

      int startUpdate(Current current) throws AccessDeniedException
      Acquires an exclusive lock to start updating the registry applications.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The current serial.
      AccessDeniedException - Raised if the exclusive lock can't be acquired. This might happen if the lock is currently acquired by another session.
    • finishUpdate

      void finishUpdate(Current current) throws AccessDeniedException
      Finish updating the registry and release the exclusive lock.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      AccessDeniedException - Raised if the session doesn't hold the exclusive lock.
    • getReplicaName

      String getReplicaName(Current current)
      Get the name of the registry replica hosting this session.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The replica name of the registry.
    • openServerLog

      Open the given server log file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      path - The path of the log file. A log file can be opened only if it's declared in the server or service deployment descriptor.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerStdErr

      Open the given server stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerStdOut

      Open the given server stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openNodeStdErr

      Open the given node stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeNotExistException - Raised if the node doesn't exist.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
    • openNodeStdOut

      Open the given node stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeNotExistException - Raised if the node doesn't exist.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
    • openRegistryStdErr

      Open the given registry stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      RegistryNotExistException - Raised if the registry doesn't exist.
      RegistryUnreachableException - Raised if the registry could not be reached.
    • openRegistryStdOut

      Open the given registry stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      RegistryNotExistException - Raised if the registry doesn't exist.
      RegistryUnreachableException - Raised if the registry could not be reached.
    • ice_ids

      default String[] ice_ids(Current current)
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
      Specified by:
      ice_ids in interface Object
      Specified by:
      ice_ids in interface Session
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object, in base-to-derived order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.
    • ice_id

      default String ice_id(Current current)
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
      Specified by:
      ice_id in interface Object
      Specified by:
      ice_id in interface Session
      current - The Current object for the invocation.
      The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.
    • ice_staticId

      static String ice_staticId()
      Description copied from interface: Object
      Returns the Slice type ID of the interface supported by this object.
      The return value is always ::Ice::Object.