Interface AdminSessionPrx

All Superinterfaces:
ObjectPrx, SessionPrx

public interface AdminSessionPrx extends SessionPrx
Used by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry. Admin sessions are created either via the Registry object or via the registry admin SessionManager object.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • keepAlive

      default void keepAlive()
      Keep the session alive. Clients should call this operation regularly to prevent the server from reaping the session.
      See Also:
    • keepAlive

      default void keepAlive(Map<String,String> context)
      Keep the session alive. Clients should call this operation regularly to prevent the server from reaping the session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      See Also:
    • keepAliveAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> keepAliveAsync()
      Keep the session alive. Clients should call this operation regularly to prevent the server from reaping the session.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
      See Also:
    • keepAliveAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> keepAliveAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Keep the session alive. Clients should call this operation regularly to prevent the server from reaping the session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
      See Also:
    • getAdmin

      default AdminPrx getAdmin()
      Get the admin interface. The admin object returned by this operation can only be accessed by the session.
      The admin interface proxy.
    • getAdmin

      default AdminPrx getAdmin(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the admin interface. The admin object returned by this operation can only be accessed by the session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The admin interface proxy.
    • getAdminAsync

      default CompletableFuture<AdminPrx> getAdminAsync()
      Get the admin interface. The admin object returned by this operation can only be accessed by the session.
      The admin interface proxy.
    • getAdminAsync

      default CompletableFuture<AdminPrx> getAdminAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the admin interface. The admin object returned by this operation can only be accessed by the session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The admin interface proxy.
    • getAdminCallbackTemplate

      default ObjectPrx getAdminCallbackTemplate()
      Get a "template" proxy for admin callback objects. An Admin client uses this proxy to set the category of its callback objects, and the published endpoints of the object adapter hosting the admin callback objects.
      A template proxy. The returned proxy is null when the Admin session was established using Glacier2.
    • getAdminCallbackTemplate

      default ObjectPrx getAdminCallbackTemplate(Map<String,String> context)
      Get a "template" proxy for admin callback objects. An Admin client uses this proxy to set the category of its callback objects, and the published endpoints of the object adapter hosting the admin callback objects.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A template proxy. The returned proxy is null when the Admin session was established using Glacier2.
    • getAdminCallbackTemplateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<ObjectPrx> getAdminCallbackTemplateAsync()
      Get a "template" proxy for admin callback objects. An Admin client uses this proxy to set the category of its callback objects, and the published endpoints of the object adapter hosting the admin callback objects.
      A template proxy. The returned proxy is null when the Admin session was established using Glacier2.
    • getAdminCallbackTemplateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<ObjectPrx> getAdminCallbackTemplateAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Get a "template" proxy for admin callback objects. An Admin client uses this proxy to set the category of its callback objects, and the published endpoints of the object adapter hosting the admin callback objects.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A template proxy. The returned proxy is null when the Admin session was established using Glacier2.
    • setObservers

      default void setObservers(RegistryObserverPrx registryObs, NodeObserverPrx nodeObs, ApplicationObserverPrx appObs, AdapterObserverPrx adptObs, ObjectObserverPrx objObs) throws ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
      Set the observer proxies that receive notifications when the state of the registry or nodes changes.
      registryObs - The registry observer.
      nodeObs - The node observer.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException - Raised if an observer is already registered with this registry.
    • setObservers

      default void setObservers(RegistryObserverPrx registryObs, NodeObserverPrx nodeObs, ApplicationObserverPrx appObs, AdapterObserverPrx adptObs, ObjectObserverPrx objObs, Map<String,String> context) throws ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
      Set the observer proxies that receive notifications when the state of the registry or nodes changes.
      registryObs - The registry observer.
      nodeObs - The node observer.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException - Raised if an observer is already registered with this registry.
    • setObserversAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> setObserversAsync(RegistryObserverPrx registryObs, NodeObserverPrx nodeObs, ApplicationObserverPrx appObs, AdapterObserverPrx adptObs, ObjectObserverPrx objObs)
      Set the observer proxies that receive notifications when the state of the registry or nodes changes.
      registryObs - The registry observer.
      nodeObs - The node observer.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
    • setObserversAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> setObserversAsync(RegistryObserverPrx registryObs, NodeObserverPrx nodeObs, ApplicationObserverPrx appObs, AdapterObserverPrx adptObs, ObjectObserverPrx objObs, Map<String,String> context)
      Set the observer proxies that receive notifications when the state of the registry or nodes changes.
      registryObs - The registry observer.
      nodeObs - The node observer.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
    • setObserversByIdentity

      default void setObserversByIdentity(Identity registryObs, Identity nodeObs, Identity appObs, Identity adptObs, Identity objObs) throws ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
      Set the observer identities that receive notifications the state of the registry or nodes changes. This operation should be used by clients that are using a bidirectional connection to communicate with the session.
      registryObs - The registry observer identity.
      nodeObs - The node observer identity.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException - Raised if an observer is already registered with this registry.
    • setObserversByIdentity

      default void setObserversByIdentity(Identity registryObs, Identity nodeObs, Identity appObs, Identity adptObs, Identity objObs, Map<String,String> context) throws ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
      Set the observer identities that receive notifications the state of the registry or nodes changes. This operation should be used by clients that are using a bidirectional connection to communicate with the session.
      registryObs - The registry observer identity.
      nodeObs - The node observer identity.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException - Raised if an observer is already registered with this registry.
    • setObserversByIdentityAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> setObserversByIdentityAsync(Identity registryObs, Identity nodeObs, Identity appObs, Identity adptObs, Identity objObs)
      Set the observer identities that receive notifications the state of the registry or nodes changes. This operation should be used by clients that are using a bidirectional connection to communicate with the session.
      registryObs - The registry observer identity.
      nodeObs - The node observer identity.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
    • setObserversByIdentityAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> setObserversByIdentityAsync(Identity registryObs, Identity nodeObs, Identity appObs, Identity adptObs, Identity objObs, Map<String,String> context)
      Set the observer identities that receive notifications the state of the registry or nodes changes. This operation should be used by clients that are using a bidirectional connection to communicate with the session.
      registryObs - The registry observer identity.
      nodeObs - The node observer identity.
      appObs - The application observer.
      adptObs - The adapter observer.
      objObs - The object observer.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
    • startUpdate

      default int startUpdate() throws AccessDeniedException
      Acquires an exclusive lock to start updating the registry applications.
      The current serial.
      AccessDeniedException - Raised if the exclusive lock can't be acquired. This might happen if the lock is currently acquired by another session.
    • startUpdate

      default int startUpdate(Map<String,String> context) throws AccessDeniedException
      Acquires an exclusive lock to start updating the registry applications.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The current serial.
      AccessDeniedException - Raised if the exclusive lock can't be acquired. This might happen if the lock is currently acquired by another session.
    • startUpdateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Integer> startUpdateAsync()
      Acquires an exclusive lock to start updating the registry applications.
      The current serial.
    • startUpdateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Integer> startUpdateAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Acquires an exclusive lock to start updating the registry applications.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The current serial.
    • finishUpdate

      default void finishUpdate() throws AccessDeniedException
      Finish updating the registry and release the exclusive lock.
      AccessDeniedException - Raised if the session doesn't hold the exclusive lock.
    • finishUpdate

      default void finishUpdate(Map<String,String> context) throws AccessDeniedException
      Finish updating the registry and release the exclusive lock.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      AccessDeniedException - Raised if the session doesn't hold the exclusive lock.
    • finishUpdateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> finishUpdateAsync()
      Finish updating the registry and release the exclusive lock.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
    • finishUpdateAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Void> finishUpdateAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Finish updating the registry and release the exclusive lock.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A future that will be completed when the invocation completes.
    • getReplicaName

      default String getReplicaName()
      Get the name of the registry replica hosting this session.
      The replica name of the registry.
    • getReplicaName

      default String getReplicaName(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the name of the registry replica hosting this session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The replica name of the registry.
    • getReplicaNameAsync

      default CompletableFuture<String> getReplicaNameAsync()
      Get the name of the registry replica hosting this session.
      The replica name of the registry.
    • getReplicaNameAsync

      default CompletableFuture<String> getReplicaNameAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the name of the registry replica hosting this session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The replica name of the registry.
    • openServerLog

      Open the given server log file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      path - The path of the log file. A log file can be opened only if it's declared in the server or service deployment descriptor.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerLog

      Open the given server log file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      path - The path of the log file. A log file can be opened only if it's declared in the server or service deployment descriptor.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerLogAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openServerLogAsync(String id, String path, int count)
      Open the given server log file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      path - The path of the log file. A log file can be opened only if it's declared in the server or service deployment descriptor.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openServerLogAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openServerLogAsync(String id, String path, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given server log file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      path - The path of the log file. A log file can be opened only if it's declared in the server or service deployment descriptor.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openServerStdErr

      Open the given server stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerStdErr

      Open the given server stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerStdErrAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openServerStdErrAsync(String id, int count)
      Open the given server stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openServerStdErrAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openServerStdErrAsync(String id, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given server stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openServerStdOut

      Open the given server stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerStdOut

      Open the given server stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      DeploymentException - Raised if the server couldn't be deployed on the node.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
      ServerNotExistException - Raised if the server doesn't exist.
    • openServerStdOutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openServerStdOutAsync(String id, int count)
      Open the given server stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openServerStdOutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openServerStdOutAsync(String id, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given server stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      id - The server id.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openNodeStdErr

      Open the given node stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeNotExistException - Raised if the node doesn't exist.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
    • openNodeStdErr

      default FileIteratorPrx openNodeStdErr(String name, int count, Map<String,String> context) throws FileNotAvailableException, NodeNotExistException, NodeUnreachableException
      Open the given node stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeNotExistException - Raised if the node doesn't exist.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
    • openNodeStdErrAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openNodeStdErrAsync(String name, int count)
      Open the given node stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openNodeStdErrAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openNodeStdErrAsync(String name, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given node stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openNodeStdOut

      Open the given node stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeNotExistException - Raised if the node doesn't exist.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
    • openNodeStdOut

      default FileIteratorPrx openNodeStdOut(String name, int count, Map<String,String> context) throws FileNotAvailableException, NodeNotExistException, NodeUnreachableException
      Open the given node stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      NodeNotExistException - Raised if the node doesn't exist.
      NodeUnreachableException - Raised if the node could not be reached.
    • openNodeStdOutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openNodeStdOutAsync(String name, int count)
      Open the given node stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openNodeStdOutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openNodeStdOutAsync(String name, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given node stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The node name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openRegistryStdErr

      Open the given registry stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      RegistryNotExistException - Raised if the registry doesn't exist.
      RegistryUnreachableException - Raised if the registry could not be reached.
    • openRegistryStdErr

      Open the given registry stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      RegistryNotExistException - Raised if the registry doesn't exist.
      RegistryUnreachableException - Raised if the registry could not be reached.
    • openRegistryStdErrAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openRegistryStdErrAsync(String name, int count)
      Open the given registry stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openRegistryStdErrAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openRegistryStdErrAsync(String name, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given registry stderr file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openRegistryStdOut

      Open the given registry stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      RegistryNotExistException - Raised if the registry doesn't exist.
      RegistryUnreachableException - Raised if the registry could not be reached.
    • openRegistryStdOut

      Open the given registry stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
      FileNotAvailableException - Raised if the file can't be read.
      RegistryNotExistException - Raised if the registry doesn't exist.
      RegistryUnreachableException - Raised if the registry could not be reached.
    • openRegistryStdOutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openRegistryStdOutAsync(String name, int count)
      Open the given registry stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • openRegistryStdOutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<FileIteratorPrx> openRegistryStdOutAsync(String name, int count, Map<String,String> context)
      Open the given registry stdout file for reading. The file can be read with the returned file iterator.
      name - The registry name.
      count - Specifies where to start reading the file. If negative, the file is read from the begining. If 0 or positive, the file is read from the last count lines.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      An iterator to read the file.
    • checkedCast

      static AdminSessionPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • checkedCast

      static AdminSessionPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj, Map<String,String> context)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • checkedCast

      static AdminSessionPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj, String facet)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      facet - The name of the desired facet.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • checkedCast

      static AdminSessionPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj, String facet, Map<String,String> context)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      facet - The name of the desired facet.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • uncheckedCast

      static AdminSessionPrx uncheckedCast(ObjectPrx obj)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      A proxy for this type.
    • uncheckedCast

      static AdminSessionPrx uncheckedCast(ObjectPrx obj, String facet)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      facet - The name of the desired facet.
      A proxy for this type.
    • ice_context

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_context(Map<String,String> newContext)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the per-proxy context.
      Specified by:
      ice_context in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_context in interface SessionPrx
      newContext - The context for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified per-proxy context.
    • ice_adapterId

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_adapterId(String newAdapterId)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the adapter ID.
      Specified by:
      ice_adapterId in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_adapterId in interface SessionPrx
      newAdapterId - The adapter ID for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified adapter ID.
    • ice_endpoints

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_endpoints(Endpoint[] newEndpoints)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoints.
      Specified by:
      ice_endpoints in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_endpoints in interface SessionPrx
      newEndpoints - The endpoints for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified endpoints.
    • ice_locatorCacheTimeout

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_locatorCacheTimeout(int newTimeout)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator cache timeout.
      Specified by:
      ice_locatorCacheTimeout in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_locatorCacheTimeout in interface SessionPrx
      newTimeout - The new locator cache timeout (in seconds).
      A proxy with the specified locator cache timeout.
      See Also:
    • ice_invocationTimeout

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_invocationTimeout(int newTimeout)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the invocation timeout.
      Specified by:
      ice_invocationTimeout in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_invocationTimeout in interface SessionPrx
      newTimeout - The new invocation timeout (in seconds).
      A proxy with the specified invocation timeout.
    • ice_connectionCached

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_connectionCached(boolean newCache)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for connection caching.
      Specified by:
      ice_connectionCached in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_connectionCached in interface SessionPrx
      newCache - true if the new proxy should cache connections; false otherwise.
      A proxy with the specified caching policy.
    • ice_endpointSelection

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_endpointSelection(EndpointSelectionType newType)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoint selection policy.
      Specified by:
      ice_endpointSelection in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_endpointSelection in interface SessionPrx
      newType - The new endpoint selection policy.
      A proxy with the specified endpoint selection policy.
      See Also:
    • ice_secure

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_secure(boolean b)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for how it selects endpoints.
      Specified by:
      ice_secure in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_secure in interface SessionPrx
      b - If b is true, only endpoints that use a secure transport are used by the new proxy. If b is false, the returned proxy uses both secure and insecure endpoints.
      A proxy with the specified selection policy.
    • ice_encodingVersion

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_encodingVersion(EncodingVersion e)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the encoding used to marshal parameters.
      Specified by:
      ice_encodingVersion in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_encodingVersion in interface SessionPrx
      e - The encoding version to use to marshal request parameters.
      A proxy with the specified encoding version.
    • ice_preferSecure

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_preferSecure(boolean b)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its endpoint selection policy.
      Specified by:
      ice_preferSecure in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_preferSecure in interface SessionPrx
      b - If b is true, the new proxy will use secure endpoints for invocations and only use insecure endpoints if an invocation cannot be made via secure endpoints. If b is false, the proxy prefers insecure endpoints to secure ones.
      A proxy with the specified selection policy.
    • ice_router

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_router(RouterPrx router)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the router.
      Specified by:
      ice_router in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_router in interface SessionPrx
      router - The router for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified router.
    • ice_locator

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_locator(LocatorPrx locator)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator.
      Specified by:
      ice_locator in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_locator in interface SessionPrx
      locator - The locator for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified locator.
    • ice_collocationOptimized

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_collocationOptimized(boolean b)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for collocation optimization.
      Specified by:
      ice_collocationOptimized in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_collocationOptimized in interface SessionPrx
      b - true if the new proxy enables collocation optimization; false otherwise.
      A proxy with the specified collocation optimization.
    • ice_twoway

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_twoway()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses twoway invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_twoway in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_twoway in interface SessionPrx
      A proxy that uses twoway invocations.
    • ice_oneway

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_oneway()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses oneway invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_oneway in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_oneway in interface SessionPrx
      A proxy that uses oneway invocations.
    • ice_batchOneway

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_batchOneway()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch oneway invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_batchOneway in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_batchOneway in interface SessionPrx
      A proxy that uses batch oneway invocations.
    • ice_datagram

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_datagram()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses datagram invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_datagram in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_datagram in interface SessionPrx
      A proxy that uses datagram invocations.
    • ice_batchDatagram

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_batchDatagram()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch datagram invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_batchDatagram in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_batchDatagram in interface SessionPrx
      A proxy that uses batch datagram invocations.
    • ice_compress

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_compress(boolean co)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for compression.
      Specified by:
      ice_compress in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_compress in interface SessionPrx
      co - true enables compression for the new proxy; false disables compression.
      A proxy with the specified compression setting.
    • ice_timeout

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_timeout(int t)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its connection timeout setting.
      Specified by:
      ice_timeout in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_timeout in interface SessionPrx
      t - The connection timeout for the proxy in milliseconds.
      A proxy with the specified timeout.
    • ice_connectionId

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_connectionId(String connectionId)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its connection ID.
      Specified by:
      ice_connectionId in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_connectionId in interface SessionPrx
      connectionId - The connection ID for the new proxy. An empty string removes the connection ID.
      A proxy with the specified connection ID.
    • ice_fixed

      default AdminSessionPrx ice_fixed(Connection connection)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except it's a fixed proxy bound the given connection.@param connection The fixed proxy connection.
      Specified by:
      ice_fixed in interface ObjectPrx
      Specified by:
      ice_fixed in interface SessionPrx
      connection - The fixed proxy connection.
      A fixed proxy bound to the given connection.
    • ice_staticId

      static String ice_staticId()
      Description copied from interface: ObjectPrx
      Returns the Slice type ID associated with this type.
      The Slice type ID.