Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

An application element defines an IceGrid application. An application typically contains at least one node element, but it may also be used for other purposes such as defining server and service templates, default templates, replica groups and property sets.

This element must be a child of an icegrid element. Only one application element is permitted per file.

The following attributes are supported.





If true, the default templates configured for the IceGrid registry are imported and available for use within this application. If not specified, the default value is false.



The name of the application. This name must be unique among all applications in the registry. Within the application, child elements can refer to its name using the reserved variable ${application}.


An optional nested description element provides free-form descriptive text.

Here is an example to demonstrate the use of this element:

    <application name="MyApplication" import-default-templates="true">
        <description>A description of the application.</description>
See Also
  • No labels