Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

An icebox element defines an IceBox server to be deployed on a node. It typically contains at least one service element, and may supply additional information such as command-line options, environment variables, configuration properties and a server distribution.

The IceBox service manager's object adapter, IceBox.ServiceManager,  can only be configured as a direct object adapter, using properties. This object adapter is enabled only if the property IceBox.ServiceManager.Endpoints is set. Note however that the service manager's functionality remains available as an administrative facet even when its object adapter is disabled.

This element may only appear as a child of a node element or a server-template element.

This element supports the same attributes as the server element.

The IceGrid node on which this server is deployed generates the following configuration property for the server:


An optional nested description element provides free-form descriptive text.

Here is an example to demonstrate the use of this element:

<icebox id="MyIceBox"
    <property name="IceBox.UseSharedCommunicator.Service1" value="1"/>
    <service name="Service1" .../>
    <service-instance template="ServiceTemplate" name="Service2"/>
See Also
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