Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

An IcePatch2 service hosts two well-known objects, which implement the IcePatch2::FileServer and IcePatch2::Admin interfaces and have the default identity IcePatch2/server and IcePatch2/admin, respectively. If an application requires the use of multiple IcePatch2 services, it is a good idea to assign unique identities to the well-known objects by configuring the servers with different values for the IcePatch2.InstanceName property, as shown in the following example:

$ icepatch2server --IcePatch2.InstanceName=PublicFiles ...

This property changes the category of the objects' identities, which become PublicFiles/server and PublicFiles/admin, respectively. The client's configuration must also be changed to reflect the new identity:

$ icepatch2client --IcePatch2.Endpoints="tcp -h \
> -p 10000" --IcePatch2.InstanceName=PublicFiles .
See Also
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